Flashback Friday – Biking to Events: Summer 2023 Progress Report

While some of us are still pottering around on work today, tens of thousands will be descending upon North Hagley for the two-day (Fri-Sat) Electric Avenue music festival. Judging by the information on their website, I fear that (once

Flashback Friday: Should Cycling be allowed in the Botanic Gardens?

The Christchurch City Council is currently consulting on an update to its Parks and Bylaw 2016; you’ve got until Sun Dec 15th to get some feedback in. One of the changes proposed is to expand the mentions of “bicycles”

Flashback Friday Photo of the Day: North Hagley Pathway Works

Shared paths have a mixed reception from various users of them, especially when they’re not particularly wide. It’s why there is often a push to have separate walking and cycling paths where possible. The alternative is to at least widen

Photo of the Day: North Hagley Park cycleway closures

Hot on the heels of my recent discussion about biking to major events, it’s also worth pointing out that sometimes major events can also impact on people just trying to bike around the city. Case in point: North Hagley …

Flashback Friday – Not-so-hidden Treasures: Hagley Park

We’re seeing some lovely summer weather around Christchurch at the moment, which is a great opportunity to explore some more parts of the city by bike. So why not make some time to visit (or revisit) the lovely splendour of

Time for another Winter Solstice Ride – Tue 21 June 2022

It’s hard to believe that a simple fun idea dreamed up 10 years ago would turn into a much-loved institution in the Christchurch cycling calendar. But that was the concept started by Ian Wells all those years ago, with the …

Flashback Friday: Hagley/Hospital street works so far

We cycling advocates can be a picky bunch sometimes; as I illustrated with yesterday’s post, something new might be mostly good but there always seems to be something they could have done a little better… This is not a

Flashback Friday: 2013 Winter Solstice Ride – Highlights

For a ride that happens on the shortest day of the year, the annual Winter Solstice Ride has generally been remarkably forgiving weather-wise during its 8-year run. However, a few of us can hardly forget the one time when we

Should Cycling be allowed in the Botanic Gardens?

The Christchurch Botanic Gardens are the jewel in the crown that is our wonderful Hagley Park. On display there are a huge selection of interesting plants and flowers, both around the grounds and inside the numerous conservatories. When my …

Photo of the Day: North Hagley Pathway Works

The fine weather over the past couple of months has allowed contractors to make excellent progress on the Uni-Cycle pathway improvements from North Hagley Park to Riccarton Bush. The alleyway pathway beside Boys High has been dramatically widened, and a …

Hagley/Hospital street works so far

Late last year we introduced you to the planned first central city transport works happening around Hagley Park and Hospital Corner. Just before Christmas, the diggers started work and have now largely completed the first phase and moved onto parts …