Christchurch wins big at 2018 Bike to the Future awards

As foreshadowed a couple of weeks back, Christchurch featured a number of nominations in this year’s Bike to the Future Awards, organised by the NZ Transport Agency and Cycling Action Network. At last Tuesday’s 2WALKandCYCLE Conference dinner the …

Christchurch Long Term Plan – More Waiting?

Christchurch City Council has our Long Term Plan, LTP, up for submissions. It covers all aspects of our city and its needs. This article focuses on cycling.

Council is going to need to hear from a lot of us that …

Are new cycleways OK for existing cyclists?

When considering potential objections to cycleways, or “bikelash”, there are the usual suspects to consider, such as businesses worried about losing parking, and motorists worried about getting held up. But another group has also been making noises about some …

On Consultation, Power and the Hobbling of Cycle Routes

Alert: Antigua Street, Tuam to Oxford Tce, will be closed from 27 November to April 2018. Alternate route to be announced.
Oxford Tce between Hagley and Antigua will close in April 2018. Reopening date unknown.

Many people are expressing discontent …

The optical illusion behind “I never see any cyclists”

In amongst all of the seemingly endless “controversy” about the new cycleways in Christchurch (well, controversial if you’re a Press reporter…), inevitably there is some online comment questioning the value of the cycleways because “I never see anyone using …

Ferry Road a link or a gauntlet for the Heathcote Expressway?

This project was already consulted on in late 2016. While a real improvement, it fell short of CCC’s own Cycle Design Guidelines for a Major Cycle Route. Submissions received provided strong support along with requests to improve what was on …

Historic Southern Cyclist Magazine article on Auckland Harbour Bridge Crossing

A friend was cleaning out his garage and handed me a box of Southern Cyclist magazines dating from 1979 to 1988. I haven’t had much time to look through yet but the July 1979 issue had a very interesting read …

Highlights from #2WALKandCYCLE Conference Auckland

As mentioned recently, I attended the 2WALKand CYCLE Conference in Auckland last week. About 260 people took part and there were over 90 different presentations, which are now available on the website (some also have papers as well). If …

Who’s Who for Cycling in Christchurch?

In a relatively short period of time, it seems that a number of people and groups in Christchurch have sprung up to help encourage everyday cycling in some way. This was brought home to me a month or so back …

‘CAN Do’ National Cycling Summit in Christchurch, 28-29 Mar

Feeling like you need to be even more inspired about cycling in NZ? Well you’re in luck, as CAN (the Cycling Advocates Network) are bringing their annual “CAN Do” National Cycling Summit to Christchurch this year in a month’s time. …

Cycling Complaints: When Feedback is Appropriate

Another useful missive from guest blogger Robert:

The cycle safety debate continues and road user behaviour remains under scrutiny and comment. Could be time to offer some guidelines about making a complaint, if it feels that your recent ‘near miss’ …