Another Summit Rd section open for cycling

If you’re looking for somewhere new to go for a ride, what about looking up? Earlier in the year we mentioned that a part of the Summit Road had been re-opened exclusively to walkers and bikers; now a further section

Construction starts on Avon River Promenade

The rebuild of the Central City continues at a busy pace. This week, CERA’s Central City Development Unit announced the start of the “Terraces” section of the Avon River Corridor, on Oxford Terrace between Cashel and Hereford Streets. This link …

Guest Post Part 3 – Cycling in Madrid

This week, our roving guest blogger Robert has got himself to Spain’s capital city:

Madrid is located in the centre of Spain at an altitude of approximately 650m.  The central area undulates gently in a manner that could be compared …

A Ride around Town – The Old and the New

With the rain returning today, it’s easy to forget that we just had three glorious day of sunshine. And so it was on Saturday, with my youngest boy at a loose end, that we decided to hop on the bikes …

Feedback wanted: Is “Transport for Chch” useful for you?

One of the outcomes of the quakes has been a greater emphasis on collaboration by the various organisations involved in delivering transport facilities and services around Chch. Partly this has been driven by the significant upheavals in our transport patterns …

“Accessible City” Plan – What’s In it for Cycling?

At long last, the Government (through CERA) has released its final transport strategy for the central city, “An Accessible City”. It’s been almost exactly one year since the draft Plan was released, and about six months since it went …

Does your mother not let you ride on the road?

Recently a Christchurch cyclist told me this story. A workmate of hers approached her, soon after he had started. “Do you remember”, he asked, “shouting ‘Does your mother not let you ride on the road?’ at someone riding on the …