Flashback Friday: Time for a Ciclovía in Christchurch?

The past couple of months have given us an interesting experiment into what happens when you effectively shut down streets from traffic and turn them over to people walking and biking instead. Under “normal” circumstances, you have to deliberately implement

Flashback Friday: Christchurch’s Riskiest Intersections for Cycling?

Before the cycleway programme started getting rolled out in Chch, the local media didn’t really help things by regularly coming up with various “cycle safety” angles for news items. This article, originally from Apr 2013, is a case in

Support and use of cycling remains high in Christchurch

Once a year, Christchurch City Council undertake a Residents’ Survey where they seek feedback on what people think about a wide range of Council services, e.g. roading, rubbish, water. This year’s results are now out and, while the headline focus

Flashback Friday: Christchurch cycling – Copenhagen style

When we look at some of the intricate Major Cycle Route layouts these days, it’s interesting to recall that it wasn’t that many years back when we had no local guidance for how to design these. National cycleway planning/design guidance

Flashback Friday – Clever Cycling Stuff: Hook Turn Boxes

If you do get out and about on your bike over this Easter weekend, you might come across a few of these handy green boxes at intersections. Back in Mar 2013 when I originally posted this, hook turns were still

Flashback Friday – The World’s Most Bicycle Friendly Cities

It’s always fun to ponder where Christchurch stands in the cycle-friendly world. I’d happily say that it rates as the best cycling city in Australasia (oohh, challenge…) – but what about the world in general? We’ve all heard of the

Flashback Friday: Are you a Cyclist or a Person?

It wasn’t that many years ago that we still generally saw the term “cyclist” everywhere in public conversations about biking, leading to all the various negative connotations that can conjure. While it’s still not perfect (mainstream media: I’m looking at

Flashback Friday: Some Bike Ideas from Washington DC

In my previous job at Canterbury University, I was lucky to be able to visit many interesting places overseas, and one of my regular haunts (due to its annual transportation conference) was Washington DC – unfortunately always in the

Flashback Friday – Clever Cycling Stuff: Cycle Detectors

Anyone who uses many of the new Major Cycle Routes will appreciate the way that most of the signalised crossings along the way quickly detect a rider and then provide a crossing phase for riders. Some of the detection technology

Flashback Friday – 100 Blog Posts: What should the next 100 cover?

Back in Dec 2012, Cycling in Chch had already racked up 100 posts – quite a prolific rate of blogging, as is often the case when you start something and are all enthusiastic. We certainly haven’t managed that rate