Large vehicles like trucks and buses continue to cause serious problems for people biking, so it’s important to respect them on the road. This article, originally from Aug 2013, gives some advice on how best to interact near heavy …
Category: Cycle-centric ideas
Bright ideas about cycling
Welcome to Biketober 2020!
September is over, so it must be… Biketober! Yep, once again Christchurch ignores the traditional calendar and celebrates a month (and more) of cycling events for everyone.
If you want to know what is happening, just check out the …
Flashback Friday – Wanted: New Bloggers and Guest Posts
Ever since we started this website 8 years ago, this seems like a regular call to arms – please help to share your cycling experiences! As other focuses and priorities get in my life, churning out yet another blogpost for …
Nominations for “On the Go” awards now open
Is there some local walking or cycling initiative that you think is worthy of some official recognition? Then perhaps you should consider nominating it for this year’s “On the Go” Awards, organised by Waka Kotahi (NZ Transport Agency) in …
Flashback Friday: Cycleways are Go!
Earlier this week we celebrated a healthy funding injection to get six cycleway routes completed around Chch. While that is great news, it’s sobering to think that all of the 13 Major Cycleways were initially meant to have been completed …
Biketober 2020 is coming – Volunteers Needed!
Springtime is looming, bringing with it daffodils, government elections, and (most importantly) Biketober 2020! Remember last year?
Despite some lockdown drama, the volunteer Biketober organising team have been keeping warm during these wintery months by preparing another action-packed October …
Flashback Friday: Can You Ride Two Abreast?
Cycling behaviour regularly seems to come into the public firing line; what’s often interesting is whether the perception of what riders are doing “wrong” actually matches the reality of the law (often not). Cycling two abreast is one of those …
Flashback Friday: New cycle training park in Bexley?
Talk earlier this week of a new cycle skills track happening at Somerfield School brings to mind other similar tracks around the city. Seven years ago, there was discussion about another one being proposed for Bexley; this article, originally from …
Flashback Friday: Coroner’s Cycling Inquest Hits Christchurch Soon
With all the growth in cycleways and cycling in Chch and New Zealand at the moment, it is pertinent to recall that a lot of the recent investment in cycling is due to the tragic events of nearly 10 years …
Flashback Friday: Cycling in Beijing
With our current inability to travel pretty much anywhere overseas, it’s a good time to reminisce on past trips instead. This post, originally from May 2013, recalls a time when my work took me to the traditional home of …
New Bike Database to help with stolen bikes
Note: As of 30th April 2022, Bike Database will no longer operate. We suggest that you register your bikes with 529 Garage.
15 years ago I had my trusty old commuter bike stolen while I was at work (lesson …
Cycling and Trams
I’ve just finished working my way through Graham Stewart’s wonderful 1993 public tramway book “The End of the Penny Section” (yes, I’m an old public transport tragic from way back…). It tells the really interesting story of how trams …
Flashback Friday: Time for a Ciclovía in Christchurch?
The past couple of months have given us an interesting experiment into what happens when you effectively shut down streets from traffic and turn them over to people walking and biking instead. Under “normal” circumstances, you have to deliberately implement …
Chch cycling continues to rise
Another little piece of good news came out from City Council in the last day or so: the latest cycle count surveys back in March (pre-lockdown) showed very strong growth in the past year.
A regular annual survey of peak-hour …
Flashback Friday: Christchurch’s Riskiest Intersections for Cycling?
Before the cycleway programme started getting rolled out in Chch, the local media didn’t really help things by regularly coming up with various “cycle safety” angles for news items. This article, originally from Apr 2013, is a case in …
Support and use of cycling remains high in Christchurch
Once a year, Christchurch City Council undertake a Residents’ Survey where they seek feedback on what people think about a wide range of Council services, e.g. roading, rubbish, water. This year’s results are now out and, while the headline focus…
Flashback Friday: Christchurch cycling – Copenhagen style
When we look at some of the intricate Major Cycle Route layouts these days, it’s interesting to recall that it wasn’t that many years back when we had no local guidance for how to design these. National cycleway planning/design guidance…
Flashback Friday – Is Cycling Safe?
Seven years ago, we had one of those unfortunate situations when suddenly there were two cycle deaths in close proximity. They are thankfully rare but they do get many people questioning the relative safety of cycling. This article, originally posted …
Wanted: YOUR Lockdown Cycling Stories!
It’s been an interesting few weeks under COVID-19 lockdown, and generally everyone has been pretty good at following the rules and keeping themselves and others safe.
What has been really pleasing to see as well is the number of people …
Guest post: Trishaw wedding
Guest contributor Minnkey gives us a little cycle-related story about her wedding…
Just over 3 years ago, amongst other things, I started thinking about a bit of a unique way to turn up to my own wedding, preferably on some …