Cycling in Bristol – more photos

There was so much to look at during three weeks visiting Bristol. So here are a few more interesting things biking-wise seen around the city:

What do you think we could also do like this back in Christchurch?

Study Abroad – First Stop: London

Greetings from the UK! It’s been three days since I touched down in London for the start of a three month sabbatical (study leave) in Europe. As well as meeting up with various colleagues and working on a few papers …

Last stop Boston – and Reflections on US Cycling

It’s been a week now since I got back from my trip to the US. My last destination was Boston, Massachusetts, on the NE coast (and I’m so glad I got out of there before this week’s fun…). …

Interesting cycle stuff from New York

My travels to the US have just finished, but let’s go back to where I spent last weekend – in New York. The same magazine that rated Washington DC in the top five best cycle-friendly US cities had (somewhat controversially) …

Interesting cycle stuff from Washington DC

Greetings from the chilly US! The reason for the gap since my last post is because I’ve been in Washington DC for the Transportation Research Board’s Annual Meeting. You may recall from my last visit here that this is …

#2walkandcycle: Interesting stuff around Nelson

One of the great things about a walking and cycling conference like 2WALKandCYCLE is the opportunity to have a good look around at what the locals have been up to in that regard. So it was that last week’s conference …

More Central City Transport Plans out for consultation

Now things are getting interesting… Hot on the heels of the recent proposed works at Hospital Corner and Hagley/Moorhouse, further works along three-and-a-bit central streets are now out for public consultation.

As you might recall, the Accessible City

Where would you like some Separator Posts?

A few weeks ago we talked about the City Council’s “Targeted Improvements” (or “Quick Wins”) programme that is being rolled out. One of the tools that fits in very well with this programme is cycle lane separators, as previously trialled

Clever Cycling Stuff: Cycle Bypasses

It’s always nice when you can get an advantage over motor traffic by cycling instead. Some people riding already do this by sneaking through intersections when other traffic is stopped. This doesn’t tend to do much for cycling-motoring relations (as

Learning from Ilam Road

Christchurch’s first step into the brave new world of cycleways came almost accidentally with the reconstruction of Ilam Road near the University. What started out primarily as a pedestrian crossing improvement project ended up also providing some rather handy separated …

Christchurch cycling – Copenhagen style

Another piece of the puzzle looks like it’s falling into place with the production of the draft Cycle Design Guide by the Christchurch City Council. This was presented to Council’s Environment & Infrastructure Committee on Thursday, who broadly endorsed it …