As this post goes out, I will be winging my way over to Perth for a short holiday. It’s actually my first trip to Western Australia, so I’ll keep an eye out for any interesting cycling facilities while I’m over …
Tag: Separated bikeways
Flashback Friday – #2walkandcycle: Interesting stuff around Nelson
Last weekend I was up in Nelson for a wedding; while there, we also took the opportunity to do a bit more socialising and checking out the Nelson-Richmond district. Not surprisingly, we saw plenty of people biking while there as …
Flashback Friday: All aboard the Heathcote Expressway consultation
As if we didn’t have enough issues with bikes now being banned entirely from bus racks, the other equally bizarre restriction that has been proposed is the closure of a section of the Heathcote Expressway cycleway due to “safety” …
Flashback Friday: Separated Bikeways – More Good Evidence
This week I have been delivering some guest lectures on cycle planning and design to engineering postgrad students at Canterbury University. I covered a range of topics, from developing cycling networks to the many different ways you can provide for …
Flashback Friday: Outside the new bus interchange – what’s it like for cycling?
Recently I did some research on travel mode shift and safety and bus transport came out as the safest road transport mode. That’s probably cold comfort (literally…) for many of the occupants of the bus crashes near Tekapo yesterday; thankfully …
Flashback Friday – First Look: Rolleston Ave / Park Tce Cycleway
Tonight was the latest annual Winter Solstice Ride around North Hagley Park and nearly 200 punters (and all their lights/bling…) turned up for a fun cruise around! The first section of the ride took in part of the pop-up cycleway …
Flashback Friday: Recent cycleways in Auckland
By the time this gets published, I will have hopefully made my way up to Auckland for a little weekend holiday. I don’t imagine that I’ll be having a detailed look at too many cycleways while I’m in town this …
Interesting Bike Stuff in Palmerston North
As I mentioned last week, about six months ago I visited Palmerston North for a meeting of the Active Modes Infrastructure Group. Although I’ve made a couple of other visits there for work trips, I hadn’t had the …
Flashback Friday – Vienna: Cycling on the Rise
It’s starting to get a little bit cooler and for many Kiwis they might be thinking of travelling to warmer climes. Indeed, two of my children are planning to head over to Europe in the next few months. So I …
New cycleways in Wellington are making a difference
As mentioned a few weeks back, I was in Wellington for a holiday with my partner and we took the opportunity to jump on some bikes and have a look around the city at some of the more recent …
Flashback Friday: Cycling projects around Wellington
As I mentioned last week, I missed attending the just-finished 2WALKandCYCLE Conference in Wellington, but I’m actually now up in our capital city for a little holiday. I guess you could call it a “busman’s holiday” as I’ll be …
Flashback Friday: Highlights from #2WALKandCYCLE Conference Auckland
Next week sees the return of the 2WALKandCYCLE Conference, hosted in Wellington. Partly due to lockdown disruptions, it’s been three years since the last one in Dunedin – quite the wait. Unfortunately I won’t be attending this one – …
First Look: South Express Part One
While there has been a lot of fanfare recently about the opening of the Heathcote Expressway and Coastal Pathway cycle routes, another cycleway has been quietly just rolling out has in the opposite direction…
The “South Express” is somewhat oddly …
Flashback Friday: Passing in cycleways
I was having an online discussion recently about the pros and cons of having a cycle lane on the traffic side of parked cars versus the alternative of simply swapping them over so that the (now protected) cycle lane is …
Flashback Friday: Nor’west Arc Cycleway – Section 3 consultation
If you’ve been following the news, you might have heard about the rather odd last-minute notice of motion by Cr James Gough to have a section of the planned Nor’West Arc Major Cycleway (literally about to start construction) reviewed to …
Flashback Friday: Cycling in Copenhagen
It seems to be the season suddenly for lots of friends I know to be off travelling around the world, getting their tourist fix after a few years being stuck in NZ thanks to lockdowns and pandemics. It has certainly …
Flashback Friday: Munich: Cycling for a Big City
Happy Matariki! Earlier this week, I mentioned how Christchurch had rated fairly well amongst large cities worldwide in the People for Bikes 2023 City Bike Ratings. Perhaps not surprisingly, three large Dutch cities, The Hague, Utrecht, and Amsterdam feature in …
Flashback Friday: What can Christchurch learn from The Netherlands?
This week we heard the fantastic news that a large chunk of local streets in Chch will soon see their speed limits lowered – bravo! For some people, speed management still seems like a strange (and unnecessary) facet of our …
Flashback Friday: Separated Bikeways in Portland
So, the much-debated Park Terrace cycleway gets to live to fight another day; glad to see it. We will now await with interest the results of the current consultation about it (closes this Sunday!). Temporary or “quick-build” cycleways like …
Have your Say on the Park Terrace Cycleway
As was posted last week, there is a new pop-up cycleway installed along Rolleston Ave and Park Tce next to Hagley Park. The main motivation was to alleviate active mode travel congestion while the museum is being redeveloped, but …