They might be rather commonplace now around Christchurch, but seven years ago there weren’t too many separated cycleways of any form (Tennyson St being the notable exception). But trials were starting of simple forms of separator like posts and low-rise …
Tag: Research
Flashback Friday: Should we have cycle helmet legislation? NOT the same question as “should we wear helmets”!
Like Voldemort, cycle helmets in New Zealand are almost a topic you dare not speak by name, unless you want to see some fireworks in social media and a lot of energy expended for relatively little gain it seems. We’ve …
Do closer average passes mean less safe cycling?
A recent news article (and similar variants) has been doing the rounds recently and sparked a lot of social media comment. The article reports on some recent research from Australia that measured the space given by motorists passing people …
Sensibel: More testers needed
What’s cycling like in Christchurch? Some of you may remember the introduction last year to Sensibel, a new way of capturing information about people’s cycling experiences (good or bad). Now, more help is still needed to collect more information.…
New Directional Cycle Signal Surveys
If you’ve cycled around the central city, you may have seen the new directional cycle signals at the High / Madras / St Asaph and Antigua / St Asaph intersections. These allow different cycling movements to be controlled separately. Even …
What did you think of Biketober? Fill in the survey!
Biketober is over and now we’re in the month of… Bikevember? Whatever, we hope that you enjoyed the chance to take part in over 80 biking events in Christchurch last month. Maybe you attended heaps of things (and went nuts …
Guest Post: Is cycling just for Rich People?
There’s a brand new blogsite, Talking Transport, dedicated to all things transport around Christchurch. We’re looking forward to seeing some really interesting conversations there! Here’s a recent article posted there by website creator Chris:
My colleague came back from …
Guest Post – Sensibel: What’s your experience of cycling?
Hamish McNair tells us about an interesting project that you can be part of:
Sensibel promotes more efficient communication between you (the user) and decision makers responsible for cycle infrastructure. This is achieved by giving people who cycle the opportunity …
Support and Usage of Cycling still high in Chch
Tram Tracks, Cycle Signals – Two local cycling surveys to do
There are a couple of public surveys on cycling topics currently out for Christchurch residents to fill in. See below for the details:
{Disclosure: my company is involved in doing the analysis for both surveys}
Survey on cycling tram-track incidents
…Are Major Cycleways working? First surveys
There’s been a lot of discussion by the public and the media over the past couple of years about the value of the Major Cycle Routes programme. That’s perhaps to be expected; $160-odd million is a lot of money for …
How dangerous is cycling in New Zealand?
Auckland researchers Michael Chieng, Hakkan Lai and Alistair Woodward have compared the risk of cycling with other common activities and found it to be relatively safe, so ask the good question ‘why is it perceived to be so dangerous’? The …
Mythbusting: “Hardly anyone cycles”
Getting cycleways over the line in Christchurch (and the rest of New Zealand) has always been a difficult task, with various concerns about cost, car-parking, traffic restrictions, potential conflicts, you name it. It’s interesting to note though how often we …
New cycling research causes a flurry
Three interesting research reports about cycling have just been publicly released by the NZ Transport Agency and already they’re causing a bit of a stir around cycling circles (and elsewhere…). We previously alluded to these pieces of work being underway, …
Cycling Road Rules getting a shake-up
Many of the current road transport regulations in place in New Zealand were drafted really only with motor vehicles in mind; trying to apply them to cycles as well doesn’t always make sense. New developments in cycling network design also …
Is Christchurch cycle-friendly enough?
We’ve heard a lot of good news stories over the past year or so as Christchurch has started “rolling out the green carpet” and introducing lots of new cycleways around the city. But I guess the real proof of the …
Progress on Cycle Safety Panel Recommendations
There wasn’t a lot of fanfare, but just before last Christmas the final Cycle Safety Panel report was presented to the Government. You will recall that this came from the national group of experts convened by NZTA and the …
Feedback Needed: Dyers Pass Rd Cycling Survey
Thanks for all your feedback! This survey has now closed.
Following on from recent discussions with the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board (and partly spurred on by the recent Alex Mann case), it looks like a workshop will be organised …
Show me the money – The Economics of Cycleways
Spending any significant sum of money by the City Council tends to attract the scrutiny of some ratepayers, especially if they’re dubious about the benefits to be gleaned from the investment. We’ve seen some of that with the planned expenditure …
Christchurch Home of NZ Cycling Champion
Guest blog by Axel Wilke
The national Cycle Friendly Awards were first held in 2003, and since 2007, the category “Cycling Champion of the Year” has been awarded. In 2014, Dr Glen Koorey of Christchurch …