Flashback Friday – Guest Post: Biking to the Boundary – Waimakariri River Regional Park, Pt.2

Last weekend I told you one way for getting out to McLeans Island Forest. Back in Jan 2018, guest blogger Robert also explored ways to get there during the summer break. In the second part of his adventures,

Flashback Friday: Should Cycling be allowed in the Botanic Gardens?

The Christchurch City Council is currently consulting on an update to its Parks and Bylaw 2016; you’ve got until Sun Dec 15th to get some feedback in. One of the changes proposed is to expand the mentions of “bicycles”

Flashback Friday: Way out West – Are new developments cycle-friendly?

Earlier this week, I took part in the latest Te Putahi seminar on making better neighbourhood streets (you can watch the video from the evening here). During the Panel discussion, I talked about some good examples of sustainable transport-friendly

Cycling in Singapore: A study in contrasts

I was lucky enough to spend a week holidaying with my partner in Singapore back in early August. We did a lot of fun activities around this equatorial island and mostly survived the sweltering heat.

Of course, ever the transport …

Flashback Friday: Cycling projects around Wellington

As I mentioned last week, I missed attending the just-finished 2WALKandCYCLE Conference in Wellington, but I’m actually now up in our capital city for a little holiday. I guess you could call it a “busman’s holiday” as I’ll be

Flashback Friday: New northern cycleway to Waimakariri coming

So, if we’re to believe the intentions of the new Government, get ready for a lot more roads, roads, roads in the coming years. That also seems to be reflected in the recently consulted on Regional Land Transport Plan,

First Look: South Express Part One

While there has been a lot of fanfare recently about the opening of the Heathcote Expressway and Coastal Pathway cycle routes, another cycleway has been quietly just rolling out has in the opposite direction…

The “South Express” is somewhat oddly …

Flashback Friday: Progress on Coastal Pathway Beachville section

Yesterday marked a significant milestone with the official opening of the final section of the Chch Coastal Pathway at Moncks Bay – looks like it was great day for everyone there! It’s been a long time coming to fruition, and

Have Your Say – Cycleways in New Projects

It’s a busy time for Christchurch City Council as they roll out various projects across the city, both in terms of planning/design and implementation. At the moment there are three very interesting ones out for consultation that have some good …

Flashback Friday – Hidden Treasures: Chch Northern Railway Cycleway

This week comes the news that some more works are starting on the Northern Line cycleway in Redwood. It’s been a while coming – and there’s still more sections to complete as well. The Northern Line (aka the Railway Cycleway)