Winter 2024 brings lots of Cycling Activities

As the days get shorter, and the temperatures drop, the urge to get out on a bike may be waning (although, as the saying goes, “there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing”…). But there’s actually …

Flashback Friday: Help us out – Where can you bike in your suburb?

Work and life in general has been rather busy lately, making it difficult to get many new Cycling in Chch posts out the door – sorry about that; hopefully rectified in the near future. Another item on my to-do list

Time for another Winter Solstice Ride – Tue 21 June 2022

It’s hard to believe that a simple fun idea dreamed up 10 years ago would turn into a much-loved institution in the Christchurch cycling calendar. But that was the concept started by Ian Wells all those years ago, with the …