Hands up who remembers those heady days of 2013 and 2014 when the cycleway network proposal for Christchurch was first suggested. The $69 million spend; the completion within 5 years. How things have changed over those last 8 years. …
Category: Cycle infrastructure
Cycle paths, networks, traffic lights, racks etc.
Photo of the Day: South Express progress
I hope you’re enjoying the long weekend and making use of the lovely weather to get out and about on your bike. For those on the western side of town, if you haven’t already you should check out the progress …
Flashback Friday – Rotorua: Cycling Bubbling Up
I’ve just been up in Rotorua for a few days of work in the region, a place I seem to visit every 2-3 years or so. It brought to mind one of my previous visits, back in 2016 when I …
Nor’west Arc Cycleway – Section 3 consultation
As mentioned earlier, the final section of the Te Ara O-Rakipaoa Nor’west Arc Cycleway (Section 3 from Ilam – Papanui) is now out for consultation, with submissions closing this Tuesday 12th Oct. This length will complete a route …
Flashback Friday: More messy pathways in winter
We’re about to cop a whole bunch of rain again for the next few days and, while, the amount of cycling around may be somewhat reduced anyway due to lockdown, it will be interesting to see how our pathways fare. …
Flashback Friday: Cycleways in Five Years – Now How to Do It…
In the post-quake rebuild fervour, there was a lot of optimism about the new-found support for significant cycleway investment in Christchurch. A network of 13 Major Cycle Routes in 5 years? Why not! But was it possible? Seven years on …
Flashback Friday – Adelaide: Laneways
I had to review a road safety audit this week for a one-way central city shared space in NZ, and it called into question whether bikes should be allowed to ride contra-flow along this street. It reminded me of some …
Survey on Cycling Opportunities in Christchurch
Here’s a request from student George van Pelt:
This year I am writing my thesis on cycling opportunities in Christchurch after the earthquakes. This project is being undertaken as partial fulfilment of the Master of …
Flashback Friday – Adelaide: Sharrows
They are fairly common nowadays across Christchurch, but it wasn’t that many years ago that sharrow markings on shared cycle streets were a new concept in the city. And at the time, we sought some inspiration from overseas places that …
Flashback Friday – Adelaide: Frome Street Bikeway
Protected cycleways are becoming more the norm around Chch these days, even if the occasional one still stirs up a bit of debate. But we’re certainly not the only Australasian place to encounter these “controversies”. Back in June 2014 (when …
Progress on Chch Cycling Projects
It’s a chilly old time of it in Christchurch lately, and it can feel sometimes like not much is happening locally on the cycle front. Actually there are quite a few projects on the go, either physically on the ground …
Flashback Friday: A Ride around Town – The Old and the New
It’s easy sometimes to get a bit pessimistic or frustrated as we wait for the next bit of the rebuild in the city to take place – when exactly will we see that sports stadium? But sometimes it’s also useful …
Chch Airport bike parking
I recently had occasion to take an early flight from Christchurch – too early for my usual “bike and bus” combo. So I decided to bike the whole way for once; a reasonable trek from the south side of …
Photo of the Day: South Express cycleway works
If you’ve been riding anywhere around the west of Christchurch in the past few months, you’ve probably noticed a fair bit of road works on various streets. That’s due to the construction of the Nor’West Arc and South Express cycleways …
Flashback Friday – First Cycleway Signs: Grassmere-Rutland Cycle Path
The cycleway network is starting to get quite comprehensive around Christchurch now, with more being built as we speak. So it is interesting to look back to the first tentative steps over seven years ago, as this post (originally from …
Flashback Friday: Cycling Stuff from Wellington
It’s easy to forget here in Christchurch that other places around NZ haven’t had the luxury of the cycleways that have been rolled out in our city over the past few years. While people will say “ah, but Christchurch is …
Flashback Friday: Keeping Pathways Dry
With some more rain on the way for Christchurch, anyone riding needs to be a little mindful of how their favourite routes fare with a bit of water around. Personally, I’ve noticed a big improvement in most cycleways drainage-wise over …
Flashback Friday: Are painted cycle lanes dangerous?
In the past 5 years or so, we have seen a significant roll-out of the Major Cycleway programme around Chch, which has been fantastic. That doesn’t mean that traditional painted cycle lanes have been completely eschewed; I can think of …
Flashback Friday: Where would you like some Separator Posts?
Long before separated cycleways were commonplace around Christchurch, one way to improve the level of comfort with existing painted cycle lanes was to add some occasional vertical posts to keep errant motorists at bay. Even now, this relatively low-cost measure …
Flashback Friday – Clever Cycling Stuff: Cycle Bypasses
Gah, it feels like all I have managed to do lately on this site is recycle a few posts for Flashback Fridays, even though I have a bunch of other post ideas half-done or fermenting in my mind. Sorry folks, …