Priority Cycleways for Christchurch – Where should they be?

Now we’re starting to get to the details… some potential cycleway routes that might be funded in coming years have been identified and presented to City Council. You might recall that late last year, following submissions on the Chch Strategic …

Some Bike Ideas from Washington DC

Greetings from Washington DC! I’m attending the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting here this week. Actually, “meeting” is a bit of a misnomer; TRB is easily the largest transportation conference in the world, with over 11,000 delegates attending and …

Clever Cycling Stuff: Cycle Detectors

We showcase a lot of neat overseas cycling facilities here on this site, but Christchurch has actually developed some pretty world-beating stuff itself over the years. Exhibit #1: cycle detectors at signalised path crossings:

As a cyclist approaching a signalised …

National’s Transport Dystopia

Gerry Brownlee and National’s quake recovery plan for central city transportation would almost have been visionary in 1980. It relies on fossil fuel and caters to think big projects which will impoverish and fail ratepayers.

Christchurch City Council’s Share an

Hidden Treasures: Westburn Reserve Bike Park

Merry Christmas! I hope Santa got you the bike-friendly gift you were after. If Junior has got a new bike they’re probably raring to try it out somewhere. There are various parks and tracks around Christchurch where they can have …

Hidden Treasures: Kendal School Bike Track

Tucked away in northwest Christchurch is a unique cycle facility that could be the model for others in the city. Kendal School, a small primary school in Burnside, has constructed a 600m cycle track around its periphery. This provides its …

The 1000-Day Challenge

The draft Transport Plan for central Christchurch has attracted a lot of comment both positive and negative about its impact on cycling. Now the Council’s Chch Transport Strategic Plan has just been finalised too, setting a city-wide 30-year vision for …

Maintenance: Who Ya Gonna Call…?

No, it’s probably not the Ghostbusters (and that reference just went over the head of half my audience…). But if you do spot a problem while out riding, there are a number of options you have for making sure …

Will Christchurch be an Accessible City for Cycling?

CERA released its draft central city Transport Plan “An Accessible City” last Thursday (hmm, just before a holiday weekend – trying to bury things?). This follows on from the Central City Blueprint that we saw a little over 100 …

Cycle Lane Separators – Your Feedback Wanted

You may recall an earlier post introducing a trial of cycle lane separators to be installed at a couple of Christchurch locations. Well those trials have been going for a couple of months now and, as well as collecting videoed …