The push to build the major cycleways around the city may be only just starting, but there’s already one piece of road where you can see the future for cycling – the new Ilam Road cycleway near the University. Construction …
Category: Cycle infrastructure
Cycle paths, networks, traffic lights, racks etc.
Cycleways are Go!
It’s been a busy week for the City Council, with the sign-off of their Three-Year Plan and agreement with the Govt on cost sharing of various planned “anchor projects” around the central city. What might have snuck under the radar …
New cycle training park in Bexley?
We’ve previously mentioned the fantastic bike park at Westburn Reserve where young new riders can try out their wheels on a mock street layout, complete with traffic signs and markings. Now it appears there are plans afoot to repeat the …
Pathway Leaves – A Menace for Cycling?
As if there weren’t enough hazards to contend with on the road, it seems that pathways are not always safer either. Last Monday morning apparently there was an accident in Hagley Park where an experienced cyclist on a mountain bike …
Chch Cycleways – Now It’s Up to Them…
The public hearings for the draft Christchurch City Three-Year Plan were held last week. A key topic of interest here was the proposed $70 million spend on major cycleways around the city, and it got a bit of an airing …
Cycling News from Across the Ditch – Perth
1) About a Vibrant, Accessible City:
Listen to a discussion about replacing one way with two way streets in Perth, Western Australia and the rationale behind it.
Plains FM Community Radio Station host Bill Demeter talks to Graham Newsome, Principal …
Handy Tips: Turning Right
No, this isn’t a political broadcast: One of the hardest things to do when riding your bike is to make a right turn. The prospect of moving into the middle of a road (often crossing busy traffic to do so), …
Cycle Lane Separators Revisited
To date, the most commented blog post on Cycling in Christchurch by far has been our one on the trials of cycle lane separators in the city. The general feedback has been one of strong support for the concept and …
Chch Draft 3-Year Plan – Get your Submissions in this Friday
Public consultation on the draft Three-Year Plan for Christchurch City is rapidly coming to a close – the last day to make submissions is this Friday 19th April (5pm). You can make a written submission or submit online, …
Ilam Rd Cycleway Construction Underway
UPDATE: See our latest post with pics following completion
Last year we brought you details of the Ilam Road project near the University of Canterbury, aiming to provide better facilities for both walking and biking alike. With the students currently …
Being looked after during the Rebuild
Anyone who has travelled around town lately can’t help but notice the immense amount of roadworks going on. The rebuild is in full swing, repairing pipes and roads, and that means a lot of temporary traffic management. Unfortunately that could …
Christchurch cycling – Copenhagen style
Another piece of the puzzle looks like it’s falling into place with the production of the draft Cycle Design Guide by the Christchurch City Council. This was presented to Council’s Environment & Infrastructure Committee on Thursday, who broadly endorsed it …
Christchurch Coastal Pathway – Draft Concept Plan
A few months ago we told you about a few exciting initiatives happening on the east side of Christchurch. One of them was the Coastal Pathway, a 6.5km shared corridor for walking and cycling along the water-side between Ferrymead …
Getting those Traffic Signals to Notice You
Sometimes it can be a bit tough when you’re on your treadly to get traffic signals to change for you, especially when no other vehicles are around. So it’s useful to know exactly how you can get things to work …
First Look: Southern Motorway Cycleway (Pt.1)
Back in December you might recall that the Chch Southern Motorway extension was opened to traffic (in fact we even got to bike on it before the traffic got to use it). As part of the works a new cycling …
The $69 million question: Sign the Petition for cycleways
NB: This petition has now closed – thanks for all the support!
Christchurch City Council has finally released its draft Three-Year Plan for public consultation. And arguably this is the most important one ever in terms of cycling…
The Plan …
Clever Cycling Stuff: Hook Turn Boxes
Here’s another nifty cycling tool that’s starting to pop up more around Christchurch: hook turn boxes. These innocuous little painted boxes at intersections help people cycling make that trickiest of manoeuvres – the right-hand turn.
So what’s a hook turn? …
The Cycleway Tax that isn’t
The good news: Council wants to spend $70 million in the next five years building an extensive cycleway network! The bad news (at least to ratepayers): They want to charge a $20 annual tax to pay for it! The good …
Separated Bikeways – More Good Evidence
There’s been a lot of good discussion here in Christchurch about developing separated bikeways, but we’re not the only ones in New Zealand looking seriously at the issue. I’ve already mentioned previously what Auckland are planning to do soon. Meanwhile …
Priority Cycleways for Christchurch – Where should they be?
Now we’re starting to get to the details… some potential cycleway routes that might be funded in coming years have been identified and presented to City Council. You might recall that late last year, following submissions on the Chch Strategic …