A few years back we highlighted the introduction of Locky Docks public lockable bike stands to Christchurch. Since then, more sites have rolled out around the city. One of the latest additions has been a set of new Locky …
Category: Cycle infrastructure
Cycle paths, networks, traffic lights, racks etc.
Biking out to McLeans Forest – here’s how
A few months back I decided to head out to McLeans Forest mountainbike park, for some reconnaissance riding ahead of the 6-Hour Blast event being held there. Not having a bike rack for my car, I figured that the …
Flashback Friday – First look: Chch Adventure Park
Happy New Year! I hope that you are getting out and enjoying some of the many different cycling options that Ĺtautahi Christchurch has to offer. One of our major recreational facilities is the Christchurch Adventure Park nestled in Worsleys Valley …
Cycling in Chch 2024 in Review: People, Places, and Pushback…
Another calendar year flies by and we’re ready to herald in 2025 – Happy New Year! For many of us, we might be grateful to see the back of 2024, with various worrying signs for cycling foreshadowed back in our …
Photo of the Day: Half a million bikes
Christchurch’s Major Cycle Routes have helped to fuel an impressive surge in numbers of people cycling around the city over the past few years. One of the busiest locations is at the Antigua Boatshed bridge, where an electronic display helps …
Flashback Friday – #2walkandcycle: Interesting stuff around Nelson
Last weekend I was up in Nelson for a wedding; while there, we also took the opportunity to do a bit more socialising and checking out the Nelson-Richmond district. Not surprisingly, we saw plenty of people biking while there as …
Flashback Friday: Should Cycling be allowed in the Botanic Gardens?
The Christchurch City Council is currently consulting on an update to its Parks and Bylaw 2016; you’ve got until Sun Dec 15th to get some feedback in. One of the changes proposed is to expand the mentions of “bicycles” …
What’s the Future for Transport in Christchurch? Have your say…
Flashback Friday: Central City street consultations now out
Anyone who has been riding around the southeastern part of the central city lately couldn’t fail to notice the major road works going on around the new Te Kaha stadium. A couple of weeks back, Council agreed to go ahead …
Flashback Friday: All aboard the Heathcote Expressway consultation
As if we didn’t have enough issues with bikes now being banned entirely from bus racks, the other equally bizarre restriction that has been proposed is the closure of a section of the Heathcote Expressway cycleway due to “safety” …
Flashback Friday: Way out West – Are new developments cycle-friendly?
Earlier this week, I took part in the latest Te Putahi seminar on making better neighbourhood streets (you can watch the video from the evening here). During the Panel discussion, I talked about some good examples of sustainable transport-friendly …
The Long, Long, Long Journey of the Wheels to Wings Cycleway is ready for another twist…
I’d like to invite you to cast your mind way back to mid-2009… Spurred on by some concerns from nearby school children about cycling to school, consultation was undertaken on a proposal to add cycle lanes to Harewood …
Flashback Friday: A complete cycling network for 34 cents a year
About six weeks ago, the Govt’s National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) came out and currently Councils around the country are grappling with its implications for their funding plans, especially when it comes to road safety and sustainable transport projects – …
2023 Census stats show cycling growth in Christchurch
About 18 months ago, the 2023 Census was undertaken, asking everyone in NZ various details about their households and work/life habits. I’m not entirely sure why it takes so long to collate the relevant information from what is now largely …
Flashback Friday: Cycling Developments in Selwyn District
It’s certainly been a busy few weeks when all I can barely do is get some Flashback posts up… Last night I was chatting at a function to a Selwyn District Councillor – and tomorrow night I will be out …
Flashback Friday: Enschede – a pioneer for cycling
In my work, we’re about to start a really interesting project to hopefully trial some small low-level cycle signals at various cities around NZ. The inspiration for this is from several places in Europe that are already using these to …
Flashback Friday: National’s Transport Dystopia
Any day now, we should be getting news of the finalised National Land Transport Programme, which will then inform Councils about what projects they will get funding subsidy for. Not that we should be getting our hopes up too …
Flashback Friday: Separated Bikeways – More Good Evidence
This week I have been delivering some guest lectures on cycle planning and design to engineering postgrad students at Canterbury University. I covered a range of topics, from developing cycling networks to the many different ways you can provide for …
Flashback Friday – Cycling in Shanghai
Greetings to you, currently on holiday in Singapore! In fact, I was so busy getting ready to head away last week that I didn’t even remember a Flashback Friday… It’s actually Singapore National Day today, so I expect to be …
Photo of the Day: The challenges of turning right
My daily commute to work sees me travelling up Waltham Rd to Moorhouse Ave and then around to Fitzgerald Ave. Mostly OK, thanks to the various cycle lanes, although Fitzgerald Ave can be a bit daunting. But there’s one …