Flashback Friday: Canterbury Active Transport Forum 14th Feb

Happy Valentines Day! Or, if you’re like me and my partner biking out to dinner tonight, maybe that should be VELOtines Day? Twelve years ago today, I was busy doing other things bike-wise, as one of the presenters for Environment

What’s the Future for Transport in Christchurch? Have your say…

Transport invariably seems to be a contentious topic in the public eye, with many views on different ways to address the various impacts associated with it. Beyond the short-term issues that focus people’s attention, long-term transport planning is needed to …

Flashback Friday: Way out West – Are new developments cycle-friendly?

Earlier this week, I took part in the latest Te Putahi seminar on making better neighbourhood streets (you can watch the video from the evening here). During the Panel discussion, I talked about some good examples of sustainable transport-friendly

Flashback Friday: National’s Transport Dystopia

Any day now, we should be getting news of the finalised National Land Transport Programme, which will then inform Councils about what projects they will get funding subsidy for. Not that we should be getting our hopes up too

Flashback Friday: Cycling Missing in the Neighbourhoods

A growing group in Christchurch for discussing key urbanism issues is Greater Ōtautahi; last night they had the latest in a regular series of catch-up meetings. Land use and housing tend to be a big part of the conversations

Flashback Friday: Council Long Term Plan brings some good cycleway news

In case you haven’t noticed; the Chch City Council is currently consulting on its 2024-34 Long Term Plan (with feedback due Sun 21st Apr). This important exercise every three years sets out the key priorities for the various Council activities,

Flashback Friday: Cycle-friendly places vs People-friendly ones

If you’ve been anywhere near Cathedral Square lately, you might have noticed the works that have been going on in the southeast quadrant (near Distinction Hotel) to improve the look of the area. It’s part of a wider project to

Flashback Friday: What can Christchurch learn from The Netherlands?

This week we heard the fantastic news that a large chunk of local streets in Chch will soon see their speed limits lowered – bravo! For some people, speed management still seems like a strange (and unnecessary) facet of our

Photo of the Day: Cycle Planning & Design Training

It’s a measure of just how crazy-busy I was last week that I didn’t even realise that I’d forgotten to do a Flashback Friday – oh well, onto another one this week… So, what was occupying my time? Well, I …

Flashback Friday: Cycling in Houten – a triumph in Planning

There’s a growing group of people within Christchurch looking to meet regularly in Christchurch to discuss urban transport and planning issues, including good sustainable transport practices like cycling. Tonight was another meet-up and, amongst the many topics discussed, was some

Flashback Friday: New National Cycle Network Planning / Design Guidance

Phew, it has definitely been difficult lately to find the time to whip up some blog posts! The social life has been pretty busy and the work side of things seems to get busier and busier… One of those work

A lot to like about the draft Chch Transport Plan

It may have been an attempt at a political stunt but, whatever the motivations, the Christchurch City Council decided a couple of weeks ago to publish the draft version of its Christchurch Transport Plan currently in development. There was subsequently …

Flashback Friday – Vauban and Rieselfeld, Freiburg: Suburbs for Cycling

Last week I reminded you about my time visiting the German city of Freiburg and some of its transport-friendly aspects that the similar-sized Christchurch could emulate. Another feature that Greater Chch could do well to consider is how Freiburg develops

Flashback Friday: The Orthodoxy of the Highway

It’s been an interesting week for transport policy, both nationally and locally. For a start the Government’s first Emission Reduction Plan was finally released on Monday, which personally was a bit underwhelming but at least makes some signals about further

Flashback Friday: A Ride around Town – The Old and the New

It’s easy sometimes to get a bit pessimistic or frustrated as we wait for the next bit of the rebuild in the city to take place – when exactly will we see that sports stadium? But sometimes it’s also useful

Flashback Friday: What if… We built a cycle-friendly Christchurch?

Back in my former life at Canterbury University, I got asked to take part in a regular series of UC public seminars. The focus of my talk was on how we could rebuild the city to be more cycle-friendly, remembering

Flashback Friday: Christchurch cycling – Copenhagen style

When we look at some of the intricate Major Cycle Route layouts these days, it’s interesting to recall that it wasn’t that many years back when we had no local guidance for how to design these. National cycleway planning/design guidance

Flashback Friday: Christchurch Coastal Pathway – Draft Concept Plan

Many of you will have enjoyed riding on various parts of the Coastal Pathway over the past few years, almost providing a continuous off-road route from Ferrymead to Sumner. It’s interesting to think that it was only seven years ago