Christchurch Speed Mngmt Plan promises good things for Cycling

It doesn’t seem that long ago that Christchurch oversaw a whole raft of suburban lower speed limits, proposing 30 and 40 km/h streets to many of our neighbourhoods and school zones. Those new speed limits are hitting the streets

Flashback Friday: Cycle-friendly places vs People-friendly ones

If you’ve been anywhere near Cathedral Square lately, you might have noticed the works that have been going on in the southeast quadrant (near Distinction Hotel) to improve the look of the area. It’s part of a wider project to

Flashback Friday: New cycling research causes a flurry

It’s a busy time for me at the moment, as I frantically finalise two draft research reports and prepare to start another research project. Research work is a big part of what I do, and many of these projects relate

Flashback Friday: What can Christchurch learn from The Netherlands?

This week we heard the fantastic news that a large chunk of local streets in Chch will soon see their speed limits lowered – bravo! For some people, speed management still seems like a strange (and unnecessary) facet of our

Flashback Friday: Do we see each other? Check again

As mentioned the other day, while my partner is really enjoying her new bike commute to work, it’s not without its challenges. At one crossroads intersection nearby, she regularly finds motorists driving across her path (despite her being on

Flashback Friday: Separated Bikeways in Portland

So, the much-debated Park Terrace cycleway gets to live to fight another day; glad to see it. We will now await with interest the results of the current consultation about it (closes this Sunday!). Temporary or “quick-build” cycleways like

Have your Say on the Park Terrace Cycleway

As was posted last week, there is a new pop-up cycleway installed along Rolleston Ave and Park Tce next to Hagley Park. The main motivation was to alleviate active mode travel congestion while the museum is being redeveloped, but …

Flashback Friday: Münster – Germany does Cycling too

Earlier this week, I ran another Cycle Planning & Design industry course here in Christchurch. While increasingly it showcases some of the good practice cycling to be seen around NZ, we also include a few  nice examples from overseas where

Photo of the Day: Cycle Planning & Design Training

It’s a measure of just how crazy-busy I was last week that I didn’t even realise that I’d forgotten to do a Flashback Friday – oh well, onto another one this week… So, what was occupying my time? Well, I …

Flashback Friday: Cycling in Houten – a triumph in Planning

There’s a growing group of people within Christchurch looking to meet regularly in Christchurch to discuss urban transport and planning issues, including good sustainable transport practices like cycling. Tonight was another meet-up and, amongst the many topics discussed, was some

Have your Say: Westburn Reserve Learn-To-Ride Track Renewal

As mentioned the other day, the celebrated Westburn Reserve junior bike park is planned to have a much-needed overhaul of its cycling circuit and associated play equipment and other facilities. Consultation is currently open and you have until Mon