As was mentioned the other day, the City Council are starting to ramp up the work required to make the city’s new cycleways a reality. This involves quite a team of local planners/designers/etc, and is being guided by the …
Category: Cycle-centric ideas
Bright ideas about cycling
Major Cycleways – We’re on our Way!
So it’s been a little while now since the City Council signed off on the $69 million plan for major cycleways, and you might be wondering what has happened to it. Actually quite a lot in the background, but …
Biking – Easier on the Body
I’ve had a few significant aches and pains lately (mostly self inflicted – don’t play football against your son’s team…) and have been feeling less mobile than normal. This was then exacerbated when I moved into my new house last …
Separated Cycleways: Which Separators are Best?
Separated cycleways are coming to town as part of the Major Cycleway Routes; we’ve already seen one recent instance along Ilam Road (still waiting for the coloured surfacing to go down there, by the way). There are a …
Open Streets was a Blast!
Well it’s taken a few days (too much work in the day job…), but here are some pics from last Sunday’s Open Streets event in town.There are also some great photos on the City Council’s Facebook site.
It …
The spirituality of cycling
I’ve always been convinced that one of the greatest benefits of cycling is a spiritual benefit – the sense of appreciating the beauty of the world & feeling more connected to it as I zoom around the Port Hills. I …
Does your mother not let you ride on the road?
Recently a Christchurch cyclist told me this story. A workmate of hers approached her, soon after he had started. “Do you remember”, he asked, “shouting ‘Does your mother not let you ride on the road?’ at someone riding on the …
What if… We built a cycle-friendly Christchurch? Wed 28th Aug
A presentation coming up might be of interest to viewers, as part of the University of Canterbury’s “What If Wednesdays” series of free public seminars.
What if… We built a cycle-friendly Christchurch?
Presenter: Dr Glen Koorey
Wed 28th August, from …
Guest Post: Impressions from a “tourist”
This is a guest post kindly supplied by Prof John Parkin from the UK, editor of the recent book “Cycling and Sustainability” and a recent visitor to our fair city…
Kia ora.
Large and small gems: that will be mine, …
Bike Share Plan coming to Christchurch
An interesting news article in The Press on Friday announced that a trial of a bike-share scheme for City Council staff would begin in Christchurch. The hope is that the trial would ultimately lead on to a roll-out of a …
Handy Tips: Playing Nice with Trucks and Buses
Cycling and trucks got a bit of media attention in Christchurch a couple of weeks back after the scary incident in Sockburn. I don’t know all the specifics of this case yet, although I’m glad to see that the …
THE fluoro coat is for sale!
Guest Post: The Great Cycle Safety Debate
Here’s an interesting thinkpiece from occasional guest blogger Robert:
How has it come to this?
The recent publicity about cycle safety, highlighting cycle-related deaths and injuries is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, emphasising the problems that cyclists have …
Wanted: New Bloggers and Guest Posts
It’s a fun job putting together blog posts for Cycling in Christchurch and seeing the conversations that ensue. But it’s also a task that takes a reasonable amount of time to put them together. Unfortunately at the moment that time …
Cycleways are Go!
It’s been a busy week for the City Council, with the sign-off of their Three-Year Plan and agreement with the Govt on cost sharing of various planned “anchor projects” around the central city. What might have snuck under the radar …
Can You Ride Two Abreast?
There’s been a lot of correspondence in the media lately about cyclists’ versus motorists’ rights. One item that has been frequently raised is the issue of cyclists riding two (or more) abreast (i.e. side by side), when motorists have been …
New cycle training park in Bexley?
We’ve previously mentioned the fantastic bike park at Westburn Reserve where young new riders can try out their wheels on a mock street layout, complete with traffic signs and markings. Now it appears there are plans afoot to repeat the …
Finding your way around our Website
In a little over a year, the Cycling in Christchurch website has grown to be a busy wee space, with over 5000 page visits each month and dozens of comments. It’s great that we’re getting such wonderful support from our …
Coroner’s Cycling Inquest Hits Christchurch Soon
Although the memories of two recent cycling deaths in Christchurch are still fresh, some of you might recall that in late 2010, there was a spate of incidents where five people cycling died in New Zealand in less than a …
Cycling in Beijing
Ni hao from Beijing, China! If you’re wondering why I’ve been a bit quiet lately, it has somewhat to do with the fact that I’ve just spent the week here in Beijing at a road safety conference (where I presented …