Guest blogger Robert wraps up his travels around the world with a look at one of the great cities of the world:
Since London probably needs little introduction, let’s start with a “What if…” question.
What if Boris Johnson had …
Bright ideas about cycling
Guest blogger Robert wraps up his travels around the world with a look at one of the great cities of the world:
Since London probably needs little introduction, let’s start with a “What if…” question.
What if Boris Johnson had …
This week, our roving guest blogger Robert has got himself to Spain’s capital city:
Madrid is located in the centre of Spain at an altitude of approximately 650m. The central area undulates gently in a manner that could be compared …
What about making the Summit road a road for cyclists and pedestrians (and people with walking frames and wheelchairs) only? The road between Rapaki and the Bridle Path reopened to foot and bicycle access only last week. A trip up …
One more last post about my recent visit to Adelaide: on one of our field-trip rides we came across this amazing facility in Bonython Park.
Now I’ve always thought our own local bike training area at Westburn Park…
A little milestone that snuck on past last month was the fact that Cycling in Christchurch is now two years old! Yes, it all began back on 12 May 2012 when the original blog creator Jenny (aka “Unity”) published the …
Well it’s been a while since my last post, but that’s mainly because I’ve been in Australia this past week. Most of my time was spent in Adelaide for the Velo-City Global 2014 cycling conference, the first time this international …
Following last month’s tragic cycling incident in Hillmorton, yesterday’s Press reports (on the front page no less) that the victim’s father is now too scared to ride himself. It’s perhaps an understandable reaction, although I wonder whether the real …
Here’s a guest post from reader Dan Hanson:
We Share the Road: A road safety campaign from CCC and NZTA
I found myself doing a double take at the Springs Road/Main South Road intersection last week, at this perplexing …
So you may have heard that I got myself another little job to do in the next few months – help the Government formulate some proposals about what to do about cycle safety in this country. The NZ Transport Agency …
So last week I spent most of my time in Wellington (which explains the slight gap in posts). For much of it I was attending the 2014 IPENZ Transportation Conference, but I did also have a little bit …
It’s submission time again: this time it’s the turn of the Chch City Council to put our their Draft Annual Plan 2014/15 and amendments to their Three Year Plan. This sets out what the Council will do over the next …
In amongst the feeding frenzy regarding cycle safety last week, the NZ Transport Agency released a new advertising campaign encouraging motorists to better share the road with people cycling. The campaign is designed “to personalise and humanise people cycling so …
So, like most people I’ve tried to spend the last few weeks enjoying summer and thinking of nice things like going for fun bike rides. But the good ol’ media, bless them, never sleep in their quest to remind …
It’s always nice when you can get an advantage over motor traffic by cycling instead. Some people riding already do this by sneaking through intersections when other traffic is stopped. This doesn’t tend to do much for cycling-motoring relations (as …
Christchurch’s first step into the brave new world of cycleways came almost accidentally with the reconstruction of Ilam Road near the University. What started out primarily as a pedestrian crossing improvement project ended up also providing some rather handy separated …
Hidden beneath all the hoopla about the City Council’s Major Cycleways programme, there is another small but potentially very useful line item in the Council budget. $250,000 was allocated for each of the next two years for “cycleways targeted …
As the golden weather starts to kick in, we’re also starting to see a lot more fun events to get to around Christchurch. But will you be able to ride your bike to them? And will there be some bike …
For a first-time event, the recent Christchurch Open Streets ciclovía was a fairly successful activity (especially considering the so-so weather). Lots of people enjoyed various activities around town without the distraction of motor vehicles. So, on the assumption that we …
In the fog of overwork during the last few weeks, one item I haven’t highlighted yet is the release of the final report by the Coroner’s Office of their investigation into cycling safety. As you may recall, this was …
There’s a stereotype about the hard-working Dutch, and Christchurch put that to the test over the past few days. As mentioned last week, the city was host to two visiting experts in cycle planning from The Netherlands, and they had …