While work continues to construct the new section of the Uni-Cycle Major Cycleway route on Matai St East, consultation is now out for two further bits of work either side. In both cases, while the route already exists, what is proposed should greatly improve the level of service:

- The first improvement is to widen the pathway in Hagley Park from Matai St all the way to the Armagh St entrance. The new path will be 4m wide (like the new one in South Hagley Park), a big improvement especially to the current narrow pathway running towards Matai St.
- Meanwhile, west of Matai St, the existing pathway past Boys High to Kahu Rd will be widened and also lit at night. Unfortunately, retaining some trees along here will limit the extent of the widening to only 3m, still a good improvement on the existing state.

It’s not clearly stated, but I would presume that the improved Hagley Park path will provide sufficient clearance from the ponding problems currently found near Lakes Albert/Victoria and avoid the existing protruding tree roots too.

The intersections at each end will also be improved. The existing Straven Rd signals will have separated pedestrian and cycle crossing points, while Kahu Rd will get a new signalised crossing.

Long-term, the plan is to provide a new reasonably direct connection into the Riccarton Bush pathway, but for now it will still be a bit of a dogleg to get to the entrance (or you can carry on along Kahu Rd). Because of the curved alignment and narrow cross-section, a few cycle lane separator posts would also be helpful at the Kahu Rd crossing, especially immediately north of the crossing.

It’s great to see the long-overdue improvements to path width, surface quality, and lighting along this route; a pity that more width couldn’t be found near Boys High. The new signalised crossing at Kahu Rd should also be of great assistance during busy times.
At this stage, construction of these projects is scheduled to start in February 2016. Consultation on these pieces of work closes 5pm next Wednesday 22nd July, so get in quick if you want to have your say.
What do you think of the proposed works?
While the plans do look fairly well thought out the Matai Street railway crossing is such a slow dog leg. I’ll certainly try it once done however based on plans it’s 50/50 for me. I suspect many users may continue to use Kilmarnock Street
CP, you’ll be pleased to know that an automated barrier arm is going to replace the current crossing “maze” (a pet hate of mine too). See http://cyclingchristchurch.co.nz/2014/05/27/matai-st-east-cycleway-consultation/