Perceived Danger or Actual Danger?

Following last month’s tragic cycling incident in Hillmorton, yesterday’s Press reports (on the front page no less) that the victim’s father is now too scared to ride himself. It’s perhaps an understandable reaction, although I wonder whether the real …

What do Cyclists want?

What do Cyclists want?

It depends on who you ask. People have differing opinions on what they want, in part dependent upon their own skills and experience.

While it is not at all clear just what improvements in cycling infrastructure …

Roger wants cycling in the city too…

Last week we looked at CERA’s new Central City Recovery Plan and how it might cater for cycling. You might know that CERA’s CEO Roger Sutton is pretty keen on cycling; is that likely to translate into the new city?…

Christchurch City of Cycles?

Thanks to Spokes Canterbury for giving us a rundown on the draft Christchurch Transport Plan (CTP).

There are lots of illustrations and a clear explanation of why walking and cycling, Active Transport (AT) make sense economically, socially and practically. …

The most significant 5 min you can spend to encourage cycling in Christchurch for the next 30 years – submit on the CTP

The Christchurch transport plan is out to the public for comments. There is lots of nice talk about encouraging cycling but some very disturbing comments buried very deeply in the fineprint about how any funding to build cycleways will have …

The Orthodoxy of the Highway – The true believer’s approach to transportation planning

Back in the 1940’s urban planners found that building or expanding roading increased traffic congestion. This point was further reinforced in NY in 1973 when the West Side Highway collapsed and the predicted traffic chaos was instead a reduction in …

Winter Solstice Ride – Thursday 21st June

In Portland, Oregon, each February they have a Worst Day of the Year Ride, where they “celebrate” the depths of winter with a ride around town. Here in Christchurch, we want to mark the shortest day with something a …