An exciting activity to mark in your calendars: in four week’s time on Sunday 31st August, walkers, bikers, skateboarders, etc will have a rare opportunity to travel through the Lyttelton Tunnel. This is part of the commemoration of 50 …
Category: Events
Details about any relevant happenings, past, present & future. See also the Events Calendar
2014 Winter Solstice Ride Highlights
Well, the contrast with last year’s chilly solstice ride couldn’t have been more stark. A lovely balmy winter’s day (17 deg I think) encouraged the punters out to Saturday’s 3rd Annual Winter Solstice Ride.
All up, I counted about …
2014 Winter Solstice Ride – Sat 21 June
With the days getting shorter, colder, and now it seems wetter again, it can be hard to motivate yourself to get on your treadly. So what better excuse than the shortest day of the year to pimp your ride and …
Thoughts from Velo-City Global 2014 Adelaide #vcg14
Well it’s been a while since my last post, but that’s mainly because I’ve been in Australia this past week. Most of my time was spent in Adelaide for the Velo-City Global 2014 cycling conference, the first time this international …
The Pleasure of A Sunday Cycle on Colombo
Cycle Colombo Street – A fun ride activity for Christchurch.
A casual ride for anyone who wishes to ride a bicycle of any description. Any time from 9-5 on Sunday 18 May.
Let’s celebrate cycling culture and the ease …
Cycling to Events
As the golden weather starts to kick in, we’re also starting to see a lot more fun events to get to around Christchurch. But will you be able to ride your bike to them? And will there be some bike …
Where should our next Open Streets be held?
For a first-time event, the recent Christchurch Open Streets ciclovía was a fairly successful activity (especially considering the so-so weather). Lots of people enjoyed various activities around town without the distraction of motor vehicles. So, on the assumption that we …
Cycling Help from the Dutch – Thu 28th Nov
As was mentioned the other day, the City Council are starting to ramp up the work required to make the city’s new cycleways a reality. This involves quite a team of local planners/designers/etc, and is being guided by the …
Open Streets was a Blast!
Well it’s taken a few days (too much work in the day job…), but here are some pics from last Sunday’s Open Streets event in town.There are also some great photos on the City Council’s Facebook site.
It …
It’s Back – Open Streets Ciclovía, Sun Sept 29th
Well, after the miserable weather forced the postponement of the first Christchurch “Open Streets” event in July, spring has arrived for a second take at this wonderful event, thanks to the City Council and a few other keen bods. …
What if… We built a cycle-friendly Christchurch? Wed 28th Aug
A presentation coming up might be of interest to viewers, as part of the University of Canterbury’s “What If Wednesdays” series of free public seminars.
What if… We built a cycle-friendly Christchurch?
Presenter: Dr Glen Koorey
Wed 28th August, from …
2013 Winter Solstice Ride – Highlights
Oh ye of little faith… the wet and snowy weather clearly put a lot of people off taking part in this year’s Winter Solstice Ride last night. But, apart from a couple of brief squalls, the Ride itself was relatively …
2nd Winter Solstice Ride – Friday 21st June
Winter is closing in on us and soon it will be the shortest day of the year, AKA the winter solstice. So what better reason than that to celebrate and all get on our bikes for a fun ride around …
Time for a Ciclovía in Christchurch?
Encouraging cycling is more than just building infrastructure, and one way is to create events that encourage people to get on their bikes and enjoy the freedom and fun that is cycling. Around the world, many places have embraced this …
Christchurch Otautahi Cargo Bike Annual Rally (CHOCBAR)
put this in your diary
Date: Saturday 20th April (Sunday 21st if wet Saturday).
Time: 10am -11.30am.
Route: Meet outside the museum for a circuit of North Hagley Park then into Cashel Mall for an icecream (and some chocolate bars …
Go By Bike Day
Technically February is Bike Wise Month and this Wednesday (13th) is Go By Bike Day. You may not be aware of this because there has been pretty much zilch publicity about it in Christchurch. Contrast this with:
- Wellington, where they’ll
Canterbury Active Transport Forum – 14th Feb
It’s nearly Valentines Day again, and this year we’d like it to be VELOtines Day! The next Canterbury Active Transport (CAT) Forum, hosted by Environment Canterbury, will be held on Thursday 14th February and features a couple of interesting …
Summer Solstice pimp-my-ride
I’m really looking forward to the summer solstice ride around Hagley Park this Friday. For one thing, this time I’ll be able to see where I’m going; I couldn’t see a thing on the Winter Solstice ride! So many …
Bike the New Motorway – Sat 17th November
Whatever your opinion of the Roads of National (Party) Significance (RoNS), they’re here for now and steady progress has been made locally on the Christchurch Southern Motorway project. The new section of motorway west of Curletts Rd will be open …
Getting to the A&P Show by Bike
Canterbury Anniversary is this week and of course that means the Canterbury A&P Show is on this Wednesday to Friday. Anyone who has driven to The Show in previous years knows that it can be real hassle crawling along there …