Guest blogger Robert has some thoughts about his local…
Can the injection of a cycleway help revitalise a Village that keeps on keeping on?
Like most small suburban centres in any New Zealand city, life has been tough for Edgeware …
Cycle paths, networks, traffic lights, racks etc.
Guest blogger Robert has some thoughts about his local…
Can the injection of a cycleway help revitalise a Village that keeps on keeping on?
Like most small suburban centres in any New Zealand city, life has been tough for Edgeware …
There’s been a lot of discussion by the public and the media over the past couple of years about the value of the Major Cycle Routes programme. That’s perhaps to be expected; $160-odd million is a lot of money for …
Regular blogger Robert is back with some observations on recent cycleways:
The months leading up to Biketober, and Biketober month itself consumed the spare or work time of many an advocate for “more people on bikes more often”. Whether volunteer …
There’s no Major Cycle Routes currently being consulted on at the moment, but the City Council does have a number of other project consultations out right now that might be of interest to those who cycle. Here are some details …
Guest contributor Ian provides some thoughts about the Hospital Corner cycling saga (remember you are welcome to contribute your own guest posts for consideration):
The problems with the new design for Hospital Corner are set out in this earlier post…
When considering potential objections to cycleways, or “bikelash”, there are the usual suspects to consider, such as businesses worried about losing parking, and motorists worried about getting held up. But another group has also been making noises about some …
The unscheduled break in website service followed by a busy Biketober means that we haven’t spent much time lately highlighting all the work that has been going on on the Major Cycleway network recently. Unless you’ve picked up a copy …
This is a tale that started about six months ago when I was bemoaning once again the lack of bike parking on the Worcester Blvd side of the City Council building. I’m a fairly regular visitor there and, while there …
Guest blogger Robert continues his check of the new cycleways by inspecting progress on the Little River Link (note, due to website technical issues, this post is a couple of weeks overdue):
This photographic essay is the third of four …
Bike racks on the front of buses are becoming a familiar sight around the city, particularly now that they are standard on all Metro services. I’m seeing a fairly steady level of usage on the buses travelling around town, …
Regular contributor Robert sent in this photo that he thought was a nice sign of how things are changing. This was at the very swanky hotel, The George; as Robert said “I was impressed by this. Expected to need …
Simon Barnard has already introduced you to the latest Major Cycleway project out for consultation and aired his concerns. Here’s a bit more of a breakdown of what is proposed, to help you make a submission (which are due …
Guest blogger Robert continues his observations on cycleway progress around the city:
The first section of of this cycleway, which will link the CBD with the Coastal Pathway Project at Ferrymead, will eventually …
OK, a bit harsh but, please read on.
CCC continues to roll out the Major Cycle Routes, MCR’s, for consultation. The most recent is the Nor’West Arc which goes from the University down to Cashmere Road near Princess Margaret Hospital. …
Here’s a guest post from Darren who’s been thinking about his regular commute:
There’s an ongoing debate around the world regarding delineation of modes:
We’re seeing a lot of great new cycleways popping up around town, but of course they won’t be much use if there’s nowhere to park your bike at the end of your ride. Fortunately, the City Council has been thinking …
Guest blogger Robert has been checking out the latest action in his neighbourhood:
Well, the summer may not have been so great and already the morning temperatures are a bit autumnal but, since the New Year began, cycleway construction in …
After all the anticipation, it was great to see the Christchurch Adventure Park open in mid-December. Since then, heaps of people have flocked to the park to try out the mountain bike trails and other facilities. Apparently the …
So, as mentioned a couple of weeks back, I recently visited Los Angeles briefly on my return from Washington DC. Instead of the usual rapid stopover at the airport, I took the opportunity for a 24-hour stay to have …
Over this summer, there’s a lot of Major Cycleway action happening around Christchurch. Many of the cycleways won’t be completed until March-May, but already there are significant signs of progress – and even completed bits to ride on. Let’s have …