Happy Cycling New Year – 2014 in review, 2015 in preview

Another year ticks over and so, here at Cycling in Chch, it’s time to reflect on what has happened over the past year for cycling in the city and what’s to look forward to in the year to come.…

Another Summit Rd section open for cycling

If you’re looking for somewhere new to go for a ride, what about looking up? Earlier in the year we mentioned that a part of the Summit Road had been re-opened exclusively to walkers and bikers; now a further section

Have your Say – Northern Arterial Extension and Cranford Street Upgrade

Another big project is currently out for consultation (closes this Friday) and has some interesting aspects for cycling. While there are a number of potential improvements for cycling, there also appear to be a number of poor design decisions proposed …

Have Your Say: Annex/Birmingham/Wrights/Matipo Street Proposals

I’d better mention this interesting development that is currently out for consultation (closing Friday) – I didn’t even know that this project was in the pipeline until it came out a few weeks ago. But it features A LOT of …

#2walkandcycle: Interesting stuff around Nelson

One of the great things about a walking and cycling conference like 2WALKandCYCLE is the opportunity to have a good look around at what the locals have been up to in that regard. So it was that last week’s conference …

Highlights from #2walkandcycle Conference Nelson

Well I’m a few days back from Nelson, where an action-packed 2WALKandCYCLE Conference kept ~190 delegates engaged for three days last week. The term “action packed” might not sound right in the same sentence as “conference”, but it seems an …

Seminar: How Did They Get Around? Transport in Early Chch, Sat 18 Oct

This weekend there’s an interesting seminar that you might be interested in, courtesy of the WEA and the Beca Heritage Week programme of events:


Saturday 18 October, 1 – 4 pm,

Construction starts on Avon River Promenade

The rebuild of the Central City continues at a busy pace. This week, CERA’s Central City Development Unit announced the start of the “Terraces” section of the Avon River Corridor, on Oxford Terrace between Cashel and Hereford Streets. This link …

Would the Draft Cycle Safety Panel Recommendations make a Difference?

It seems like a long week since the tragic events of last Monday when a cycle tourist lost his life in Hornby courtesy of a turning truck. As timing goes, it was intriguing that this was also the same week …

More Central City Transport Plans out for consultation

Now things are getting interesting… Hot on the heels of the recent proposed works at Hospital Corner and Hagley/Moorhouse, further works along three-and-a-bit central streets are now out for public consultation.

As you might recall, the Accessible City