Christchurch’s Major Cycle Routes have helped to fuel an impressive surge in numbers of people cycling around the city over the past few years. One of the busiest locations is at the Antigua Boatshed bridge, where an electronic display helps …
Author: LennyBoy
Flashback Friday – #2walkandcycle: Interesting stuff around Nelson
Last weekend I was up in Nelson for a wedding; while there, we also took the opportunity to do a bit more socialising and checking out the Nelson-Richmond district. Not surprisingly, we saw plenty of people biking while there as …
Flashback Friday: Should Cycling be allowed in the Botanic Gardens?
The Christchurch City Council is currently consulting on an update to its Parks and Bylaw 2016; you’ve got until Sun Dec 15th to get some feedback in. One of the changes proposed is to expand the mentions of “bicycles” …
Photo of the Day: To the cricket by Bike
As many of you will know, last week saw the NZ cricket team play England at Hagley Oval in the first of three test matches. And, while the end result wasn’t what I was hoping, my partner and I had …
What’s the Future for Transport in Christchurch? Have your say…
Health & Safety and Cycling – When perceived risk trumps reality
As you might imagine, I’m not a big fan of many of the current Transport Minister’s actions, particularly when he seems hell-bent on eradicating most funding for walking & cycling and lower speed limits. So it is a slight surprise …
Flashback Friday: Central City street consultations now out
Anyone who has been riding around the southeastern part of the central city lately couldn’t fail to notice the major road works going on around the new Te Kaha stadium. A couple of weeks back, Council agreed to go ahead …
Flashback Friday – Hidden Treasures: Bottle Lake Forest Park
Here’s to a Canterbury Anniversary long weekend! Hopefully you’ll have time to do a few fun things, including getting out on your bike. There are certainly plenty of places to explore (if you need some advice, check out our Where …
Flashback Friday: All aboard the Heathcote Expressway consultation
As if we didn’t have enough issues with bikes now being banned entirely from bus racks, the other equally bizarre restriction that has been proposed is the closure of a section of the Heathcote Expressway cycleway due to “safety” …
Flashback Friday – Book Review: The Bike and Beyond
While we’re in the mood for book reviews today, let’s take you back to another interesting cycling book that I looked at back in Jan 2017…
The Bike and Beyond: Life on Two Wheels in Aotearoa New Zealand
by …
Book Review (and a Launch): The Cycling Pioneers
The Cycling Pioneers
by Michael Toohey
Kennett Brothers: $25
(Book or PDF versions)
While cycling history may often seem like the realm of other parts of the world, New Zealand was a surprisingly early adopter in trying out the …
PSA: Temporary night-time restriction on bus bike racks
{UPDATE: there is now an all-day restriction on using bikes on bus racks until further notice}
For many people, getting to put your bike on the front racks of our buses is a handy feature; just last weekend I used …
Flashback Friday: Way out West – Are new developments cycle-friendly?
Earlier this week, I took part in the latest Te Putahi seminar on making better neighbourhood streets (you can watch the video from the evening here). During the Panel discussion, I talked about some good examples of sustainable transport-friendly …
The Long, Long, Long Journey of the Wheels to Wings Cycleway is ready for another twist…
I’d like to invite you to cast your mind way back to mid-2009… Spurred on by some concerns from nearby school children about cycling to school, consultation was undertaken on a proposal to add cycle lanes to Harewood …
2023 Census stats show cycling growth in Christchurch
About 18 months ago, the 2023 Census was undertaken, asking everyone in NZ various details about their households and work/life habits. I’m not entirely sure why it takes so long to collate the relevant information from what is now largely …
Flashback Friday: Cycling Developments in Selwyn District
It’s certainly been a busy few weeks when all I can barely do is get some Flashback posts up… Last night I was chatting at a function to a Selwyn District Councillor – and tomorrow night I will be out …
Flashback Friday: Carrying stuff by bike
Some of my work colleagues have been getting new bikes lately (including making use of the clever new WorkRide scheme). Most of these have been e-bikes (which warrants a whole post about that one day…) and some have also been …
Flashback Friday: Biketober 2018 is here!
As we get towards the end of September, some of you might be wondering what has happened to the annual Christchurch Biketober festival this year. Unfortunately, the decision was made to pause Biketober for 2024 (although I see that our …
Flashback Friday: Cycling Safety and the Media
Last Wednesday, I had the fun of giving a presentation on “Cycleways and Safety” to a Nerd Nite Selwyn gathering out in Lincoln. It covered a lot of bases in a short time and elicited lots of good questions too. …
Photo of the Day – Shopping Mall Bike Parking
I had occasion a couple of weeks back to visit Westfield Mall in Riccarton to do a few errands. It was a nice sunny day and, knowing how fun trying to drive and park at shopping malls can be, I …