Flashback Friday: Vale, Keith Guthrie

Nearly a week ago, my partner’s father passed away; needless to say it has been a sad and emotional time – rest in peace, Poppa… As all of us get older, sadly we can expect to have more in our own cycling circles depart this earth. Many of them have made an important impact in our lives and to others in the cycling community. Back in Feb 2020, this post remembered one of the local greats…

For those who have been around the cycling scene in Christchurch for a while, the one retail institution that has outlasted them all is the Cycle Trading Company, currently in Elgin St, Sydenham. And the long-standing institution behind that institution has been Keith Guthrie, cycle retailer and collector extraordinaire. So it is sad news to hear that Keith recently passed away on Feb 12th, aged 69.

Keith Guthrie (c/ Roy Sinclair)

Unlike some people, I have had only a fleeting connection with Keith over the years. The only bike I actually bought from CTC was a silver folding bike in the early 2000s when I was looking for something to take with me on trips. The last time I saw him was at the 2017 NZ Bike Expo when he gave a seminar on the history of the bicycle (not surprisingly, he had a lot to say!).

In an earlier era when most bike shops were focused on the sporty mountain bikes and road bikes, the Cycle Trading Company was the place to go to get a more “everyday” bike, or something more unusual like a cargo bike (or my foldy). For over 45 years, Keith was the man to seek out when you needed a bit of expert advice on a bike or part – the more unusual, the better…

Over the years, Keith also acquired an amazing collection of over 100 bikes of all vintages, right back to the original “boneshakers” and penny-farthings. He generously loaned them out to special events, such as the 2017 Ride On cycling heritage exhibition at the Arts Centre.

Keith tries out the Raleigh Chopper from his collection (c/ CCC)

Keith’s funeral was held on Thurs 20th Feb at the Christchurch City Salvation Army Worship and Community Centre (cnr Colombo / Salisbury Sts) from 11am.

Did you know Keith? Feel free to say a few words here…

3 thoughts on “Flashback Friday: Vale, Keith Guthrie”

  1. I remember CTC as a dependable bike shop, but didn’t buy anything major form there while I lived in Christchurch as a uni student. Many years later, while i lived in Central Otago I bought a new tandem bike from them. After the first time down a hill with it I decided it needed more braking and got a traditional drum brake for it, again from CTC.

  2. Keith and I both went to Papanui High School. I used to go into the little shop on the corner of Barbadoes and Armagh Streets, moved with him when he shifted further down Barbadoes (near Pak’n Save) and then to the current CTC site. Whenever I need something doing to a bike I miss Keith. He was innovative with repairs and always had a solution. I purchased my first electric bike from him.

  3. I discovered Keith in the 1980’s after I lost one of the chain ring bolts on my Morrison Monarch 10 speed. I visited several major bike shops who couldn’t help but then found myself in The Cycle Trading Company. A very helpful man (Keith) immediately went out back and came back with a box, pulled out the exact part and said this looks like it. I was amazed.

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