If you’ve been riding anywhere around the west of Christchurch in the past few months, you’ve probably noticed a fair bit of road works on various streets. That’s due to the construction of the Nor’West Arc and South Express cycleways at the moment, part of the “shovel-ready” projects announced last year. At the moment, negotiating some streets is an interesting mix of completed cycleways and blocked-off bits – like this section of Elizabeth St in Riccarton:

Already some of the new traffic signals are operational too, including across Sparks Rd near Centennial Park, across Lincoln Rd near Hillmorton, and the new ped/cycle “Barnes Dance” at the Suva St / Hansons Ln intersection in Upper Riccarton.
It’s been great to see these new cycleways roll out, and you can start to picture what the finished product will look like. If you want to see some more updates, Adam Lines has been posting some great picture progress reports via Twitter. Once some of these routes are complete, we’ll try to provide some route overviews here too.
Have you tried out any of the new bits of the Nor’West Arc or South Express?
I tried the North West Arc yesterday as an alternative route from work to home and I won’t be doing that again any time soon, negotiating your way from Hansens lane to the railway crossing on Annex is quite dangerous in 5pm work traffic.
There is no safe crossing of Annex road after coming out of Hansen’s lane. The only way seems to be to negotiate your round cars stopped at the intersection which is a bit dodgy as some are only on a give way. Then in the section of Annex Rd between Blenheim and the railway lines I had several cars take a sudden swerve to the left to go around the queue turning right onto Lunns Rd. Two of these appeared to be in the queue to turn right when at the last minute with no indication lurched to the left into my path.
As, I stated I won’t be going near this section in peak hour traffic again.
Has the work on that section been started yet ? I haven’t been down that way for a while but wasn’t aware of Annex Road section between Blenheim Road and Wigram Road ( including Blenheim Road Annex Road intersection ) being completed. That section is planned to be separated on SW side of Annex Road by way of a shared bike/pedestrian path. Completion of works from Cashmere Road to Ilam Road is estimated for later in the year.
Yeah, sorry that was my point.
Sections of this are complete but until the Blenheim Road Annex Road intersection and Annex Rd part is complete it is quite dangerous.
Yes, that area has always been a bit challenging. I avoid if at all possible. Pleased to hear the work is still to be done. From all accounts I’m not confident it will be the best section of the cycleway to enjoy, but hopefully a huge improvement for the area currently. The rest of the Nor’West Arc, particularly southward from Wigram Road feels great.