This week there are two things happening that might be of interest if you are a regular rider in the central city:
- The repairs to the earthquake damaged Antigua Street Footbridge repairs are almost finished and it will be opening again this week. For the many people who used to regularly use this key walking/biking link (and have had to put up with sub-standard alternative routes through the hospital grounds in the meantime…), this will be a great relief. There will be a bridge opening ceremony at 7.30am on Thursday 30th April. This will take place on the Oxford Terrace (southern) side of the bridge, near the Christchurch Hospital Car Park, between 7.30-9.00am. All are welcome to attend and celebrate the official opening; the Antigua Boatsheds will be supplying cake and spot prizes for the first few to arrive for the celebrations.

- Meanwhile the new Transport Interchange on Tuam/Lichfield Sts is nearing completion, and this week buses will be starting to test it out. From Thursday 30th April please be aware of bus movements around the site if you are biking past. There is a new separated cycleway outside the Interchange on Tuam Street (yay!); however buses will turn across the cycleway to enter and exit the Interchange. So some new signals and warning lights have been installed. When buses have a green bus-only light, cyclists have a red cycle-only stop light and need to wait. Cyclists will be warned that the red light is coming by on-road orange flashing LED lights. The potential conflicts between bus and bike near the site caused no end of grief (and meetings) to come up with a solution to minimise potential risk (trust me, we explored all possibilities…); I know that some people are still not happy but I think it is a storm in a teacup. Nevertheless, keep your wits about you and take heed of the traffic signals.

It’s nice to see some things old and new for cycling return to the city – more to come!
Have you ridden in the central city recently?
I was wondering if you are going to do a post about the third Accessible City project (Durham/Cambridge Terrace, Manchester St, Hospital Corner finishing works)- they our out for consultation at the moment. Cheers
Yes, will be in due course, they’ve only just come out.
Speaking of storms in teacups, have you seen the stormwater grates at the edge of the new (not open yet) cycleway on Tuam Street?
The good news is that RAD is just up the road and they may be able to help people to repair their damaged wheels.