Road Works Around the Rebuild

Earlier in 2013 following persistent complaints about the management of site safety around roadway work sites from people riding bikes, members of Spokes asked for a meeting with SCIRT (Stronger Chch Infrastructure Rebuild Team) to discuss how things can be improved. In April two of Spokes reps, along with a member of the public, were invited to meet with the Traffic Management Tactical Group TMTG (the SCIRT delivery teams’ Traffic managers).

The people to see – STMS site managers

Since that first meeting there have been several more with Fletchers, one of the five contracting companies responsible for the day to day management of work sites. This has included a presentation to active transport advocates and a bike ride to inspect some of the sites. Thank you to SCIRT for this piece…

In recent months the complaints about site management have decreased so hopefully that is an indication things have improved. But if the reader sees a problem either speak (politely) to the STMS manager or post a comment on where problems can be monitored as they arise.

Remember that your safety is paramount, if it feels too dangerous for you on the road then use the footpath. If you share the path with pedestrians, slow down and be considerate.

Flowchart of lane management

Read the full report on Spokes website here….


4 thoughts on “Road Works Around the Rebuild”

  1. I’m not sure they’ve learnt anything! Just yesterday commuting home (into the setting sun) I popped off Wainoni Rd onto the the footpath to get onto the cycle lane that goes over Anzac Drive . . and almost rode straight into a digger and large pile of earth! right on the corner. no warning signs out. I hauled anchors and was fine but had got a bit of a fright. I had no choice but to pull back onto the road and ride over the bridge with the cars, who were pretty good about it even through the bit where there’s no room for car and bike.
    I tried to put this on the fixmystreet website and couldn’t as it recognised neither Wainoni nor Anzac bridge as a location! 🙁

    1. Hi Caidee,

      Thanks for the feedback. I checked and you’re right, there seems something wrong with it locating the addresses. The work around is by entering your postcode – 8061 – then drag the map to the place you mean and then click on the exact location. That takes you to another page.

      I will also pass your comment on to SCIRT’s Traffic Management Tactical Group.

    2. Hi Caidee,

      I had a reply from SCIRT about this issue as follows…

      “we’ve checked with our teams in this area and they don’t think it is their work site currently – if you could ask the cyclist to get us the name of the contractor that would help, (and email however we’ve also passed it onto the teams so they know cyclists are reporting incidents and they have a right to a safe patch on the road.”

      If the situation hasn’t changed then you can help put it right by contacting them.


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