Learning from Ilam Road

Christchurch’s first step into the brave new world of cycleways came almost accidentally with the reconstruction of Ilam Road near the University. What started out primarily as a pedestrian crossing improvement project ended up also providing some rather handy separated …

Guest Post: Cycling in the Netherlands

Here’s an interesting guest post from regular viewer Frank Dohmen (Cyclomaniac):

After been away for 7 years we decided to visit family and friends in our home country the Netherlands. Since our friends and family are quite spread over the …

Clever Cycling Stuff: Hook Turn Boxes

Here’s another nifty cycling tool that’s starting to pop up more around Christchurch: hook turn boxes. These innocuous little painted boxes at intersections help people cycling make that trickiest of manoeuvres – the right-hand turn.

So what’s a hook turn? …

Clever Cycling Stuff: Cycle Detectors

We showcase a lot of neat overseas cycling facilities here on this site, but Christchurch has actually developed some pretty world-beating stuff itself over the years. Exhibit #1: cycle detectors at signalised path crossings:

As a cyclist approaching a signalised …

The 1000-Day Challenge

The draft Transport Plan for central Christchurch has attracted a lot of comment both positive and negative about its impact on cycling. Now the Council’s Chch Transport Strategic Plan has just been finalised too, setting a city-wide 30-year vision for …

Will Christchurch be an Accessible City for Cycling?

CERA released its draft central city Transport Plan “An Accessible City” last Thursday (hmm, just before a holiday weekend – trying to bury things?). This follows on from the Central City Blueprint that we saw a little over 100 …

Is cycling really cared about in this city?

So the other day I had to ride to town for a meeting at the City Council. As I rode in from Somerfield, I noticed a number of things that got me wondering:

  •  Just north of Brougham St, Antigua St