All aboard the Heathcote Expressway consultation

It’s been a busy couple of months in terms of Major Cycleway consultations. So far we’ve seen three planned routes rolled out for public feedback, and there’s one more to squeeze in before Christmas – the Heathcote Expressway. Originally, …

Heathcote Expressway Major Cycle Route (MCR)

Another long awaited MCR is now up for consultation

Submissions due in by 4pm 23 December. The link takes you to the online maps and submission form, which is best used to make sure you tick their boxes but, …

Lessons from the Dutch – @Cycling_Embassy Take 2

Three years ago, Christchurch was graced by the visit of two Dutch cycling experts, courtesy of the Dutch Cycling Embassy, who provided lots of useful advice regarding our (then) planning for the Major Cycleway network. Last week, another …

Northern Line Cycleway consultation

Hot on the heels of the Quarryman’s Trail cycleway consultation, another Major Cycle Route is also currently seeking public feedback. The Northern Line cycleway will take the existing much-loved Railway Cycleway and extend it further north and south, all …

Quarryman’s Trail consultation out now

As we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, there are now a number of cycleway projects under construction or out for consultation. One of those in the latter group is the Quarryman’s Trail, stretching from central city all …

Hidden Treasures: Chch Northern Railway Cycleway

Long before the Major Cycleways were even a consideration, the Railway Cycleway was Christchurch’s original separated cycleway. Following the northern rail corridor, it provides an almost uninterrupted riding experience from Riccarton to Northcote.

The Christchurch Railway Cycleway was developed in …

Photo of the Day: North Hagley Pathway Works

The fine weather over the past couple of months has allowed contractors to make excellent progress on the Uni-Cycle pathway improvements from North Hagley Park to Riccarton Bush. The alleyway pathway beside Boys High has been dramatically widened, and a …

More Uni-Cycle consultation in Ilam

The Major Cycleways programme continues with the public consultation for the final part of the Uni-Cycle route, from Riccarton Bush to the University of Canterbury’s Dovedale campus. The proposed 3km route is an interesting mix of all types of …

Cycling in Christchurch 2015 – The Year of Stuff Happening

Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year. As we head into 2016, it is time once again to reflect on what has been happening cycling-wise here in Christchurch over the past year. And what a year it has been…

As …

Papanui Parallel Cycleway Consultation

UPDATE: Another option has been added in at the south end and the closing date for submissions has been extended to Mon 14th December.

Another week, another Major Cycleway consultation, it really is all on at the moment. The …

Rapanui-Shag Rock Cycleway – Linwood Consultation

The Christchurch Major Cycleway projects are starting to gather a head of steam lately; first we saw the planned details for the Little River Link to the southwest, and soon I’ll tell you about another new route for consultation heading …

Transport Minister launches Uni-Cycle Matai St section

It might be not quite complete yet, but Transport Minister Simon Bridges rolled into town on Friday to help celebrate the opening of the first section of Christchurch’s Major Cycleway Programme, along Matai St East. This section was one …

Return to Christchurch: Cycling works underway

I’ve been back in Christchurch for a little over a fortnight, trying (unsuccessfully) to ward off various colds and bugs. There’s still a few more reports to come of my visits around Europe, but I’ve also managed to start …

Do the economics of Chch’s cycleways stack up?

Earlier this year, we brought you information about the economic assessment done of the Major Cycleway Programme by external consultant transport modellers QTP. Although many conservative assumptions were made, the total benefits were still considerably higher than than the $160m …

Happy Cycling New Year – 2014 in review, 2015 in preview

Another year ticks over and so, here at Cycling in Chch, it’s time to reflect on what has happened over the past year for cycling in the city and what’s to look forward to in the year to come.…