Would the Draft Cycle Safety Panel Recommendations make a Difference?

It seems like a long week since the tragic events of last Monday when a cycle tourist lost his life in Hornby courtesy of a turning truck. As timing goes, it was intriguing that this was also the same week …

More Central City Transport Plans out for consultation

Now things are getting interesting… Hot on the heels of the recent proposed works at Hospital Corner and Hagley/Moorhouse, further works along three-and-a-bit central streets are now out for public consultation.

As you might recall, the Accessible City

Ilam Road Project – submissions due now

Anyone who uses Ilam Road to access the University or other nearby facilities might be interested in what the City Council is proposing to do to it in the near future. This project was first looked at nearly three years …

Christchurch City of Cycles?

Thanks to Spokes Canterbury for giving us a rundown on the draft Christchurch Transport Plan (CTP). http://spokes.org.nz/submission/2012/ccc-draft-christchurch-transport-plan

There are lots of illustrations and a clear explanation of why walking and cycling, Active Transport (AT) make sense economically, socially and practically. …

The most significant 5 min you can spend to encourage cycling in Christchurch for the next 30 years – submit on the CTP

The Christchurch transport plan is out to the public for comments. There is lots of nice talk about encouraging cycling but some very disturbing comments buried very deeply in the fineprint about how any funding to build cycleways will have …