A few months ago, I took 2 old bikes to my Trusty Bike Mechanic, Keith, at Cycle Trading Company and said: ‘Keith, dear, please make me one bike,’ confident in the knowledge that the hybrid would be better than either of the old ones.
Keith has my interests at heart. I know this. I Trust Him unreservedly. He has looked after all my cycling needs for eons. ‘Wouldn’t you prefer a new one?’ he inquired quietly (he has a quiet manner). Coming from Keith, this is more ‘advice’ rather than a ‘query’. He has watched me decline with age and sans shock-absorbers … he feels my pain … and after a nanosecond of deliberation and a short test ride, off I went with my lovely new Giant Cypress, whom I have name ‘Keith’ after aforementioned Trusty Bike Mechanic (TBM).

She is kitted out with mudguards, a little bell, a detachable tote box that can roll along like luggage (it is so cute), a detachable cane basket to the fore, and some trusty fibre optic lighting. With front shock absorbers, and truly feminine saddle, loads of gears, and shiney-ness to boot, I feel like I am driving a brand new car.

I now look for excuses to ride Keith; I can ride her all day, she is so comfy.
I have abandoned bifurcation for the Skirt. I can pop a cardie or coat into the basket, along with my radio so I can listen to Morning Report without headphones (much safer).
People ask: “where did you get her?” They marvel at her functionality. They LOVE the basket and the tote box. I can carry loads of STUFF as well – no more backpacks for me!
With my upright riding position, I can indulge my Meerkat instincts, surveying the land, looking over fences and car rooftops, and ready to disembark at the first sign of danger!
Ah Keith, where have you been all my life?