A little project that has slipped under the radar somewhat has been the repair to the Gayhurst Rd Bridge in Avonside/Dallington. With the bridge due to reopen to traffic again mid-year, some interesting work is proposed on the approach roads. …
Author: LennyBoy
More Cycling Happenings in April
Cycling in London – More Pictures
There was plenty of cycle-friendly infrastructure to see even in my limited time around London. So here are a few extra pics of some of the more interesting sights (click to enlarge them):
Next stop: Bristol!
Could some …
Study Abroad – First Stop: London
Greetings from the UK! It’s been three days since I touched down in London for the start of a three month sabbatical (study leave) in Europe. As well as meeting up with various colleagues and working on a few papers …
Cycle Touring Info Evening: April 14th
I’m on my way overseas to explore various interesting parts of Europe – more about that in future posts! But maybe you also have a hankering for a bit of cycle touring around the globe? Then you might be interested …
A successful “CAN Do” Weekend
As another weekend comes to an end, for about 30 people it’s also the end of another rewarding “CAN Do” National Cycling Summit here in Christchurch. Based at the new Whareora building at CPIT, the delegates were treated to a …
The sanity of cycling
Phew, what a week… 16 lectures to prepare and deliver, a bunch of student research meetings, preparing for a conference this coming week, and the usual emails and admin to deal with. It meant a lot of late nights followed …
Hagley/Hospital street works so far
Late last year we introduced you to the planned first central city transport works happening around Hagley Park and Hospital Corner. Just before Christmas, the diggers started work and have now largely completed the first phase and moved onto parts …
More Fun Bike Rides coming
We might be into autumn, but that hasn’t slowed down the level of cycling yet. And with an ongoing series of cycling events lately, you’ve got no excuse to hop on your bike and go for a cruise…
‘CAN Do’ National Cycling Summit in Christchurch, 28-29 Mar
Feeling like you need to be even more inspired about cycling in NZ? Well you’re in luck, as CAN (the Cycling Advocates Network) are bringing their annual “CAN Do” National Cycling Summit to Christchurch this year in a month’s time. …
Show me the money – The Economics of Cycleways
Spending any significant sum of money by the City Council tends to attract the scrutiny of some ratepayers, especially if they’re dubious about the benefits to be gleaned from the investment. We’ve seen some of that with the planned expenditure …
So much happening – Cycling and otherwise
Wow, the calendar is starting to get rather full of things to in the coming weeks, either celebrating biking or just providing a good opportunity to use your bike (rather than getting stuck in traffic, etc). So here’s a quick …
Hidden Treasures: McLeans Forest
If you’re looking for a handy recreational riding getaway that doesn’t involve the climbs of the Port Hills and is do-able with the kids, then I suggest that you look at the McLeans Forest Park behind the airport (Bottle …
Last stop Boston – and Reflections on US Cycling
It’s been a week now since I got back from my trip to the US. My last destination was Boston, Massachusetts, on the NE coast (and I’m so glad I got out of there before this week’s fun…). …
A Lazy Sunday – Time for a Ride
Well, after two weeks of walking/riding in consistently sub-zero temperatures around the US, it was certainly a pleasant change to put on my shorts and join about thirty others for a Lazy Sunday Cycle Christchurch Ride this past weekend.…
Interesting cycle stuff from New York
My travels to the US have just finished, but let’s go back to where I spent last weekend – in New York. The same magazine that rated Washington DC in the top five best cycle-friendly US cities had (somewhat controversially) …
Meanwhile, in cycling news back in Christchurch…
So while I’ve been trekking around the US, things have continued to tick on in Christchurch cycling-wise. Here is a quick summary of some of the recent items of note:
- It has been revealed that the expected costs of
Interesting cycle stuff from Washington DC
Greetings from the chilly US! The reason for the gap since my last post is because I’ve been in Washington DC for the Transportation Research Board’s Annual Meeting. You may recall from my last visit here that this is …
Bus Bike Racks continue to grow
As many of you will have heard, various changes were made to Christchurch bus services in December. For example, we now have a network of high-frequency “orange/purple/yellow/blue line” services across the city. One relatively unheralded outcome of the new bus …
Progress on South Hagley pathway
Happy New Year! A quick little post just to show what’s bubbling away in town while we’ve all been on holiday. You’ll recall that the first works of the CBD “Accessible City” transport projects were approved before Xmas and are …