A few weeks ago, my partner and I were having dinner at a restaurant on Cashel St east of the new stadium. On our way home afterwards, we spotted an interesting new bike park just down the road…
Elsewhere along …
A few weeks ago, my partner and I were having dinner at a restaurant on Cashel St east of the new stadium. On our way home afterwards, we spotted an interesting new bike park just down the road…
Elsewhere along …
This weekend at the CAN Do being held here in Christchurch, I will be giving a little presentation about the Cycling in Chch website and its history and ongoing development. It’s been quite the journey for well over a decade, …
For those interested in further developing support for cycling in Ōtautahi Christchurch and beyond, you’re welcome to attend the Cycling Action Network’s “CAN Do 2025” advocacy workshop, being held at Tūranga next weekend (22-23 Mar) – note that an $80 …
As this post goes out, I will be winging my way over to Perth for a short holiday. It’s actually my first trip to Western Australia, so I’ll keep an eye out for any interesting cycling facilities while I’m over …
And just like that, we’re at the end of February. It also means the end of the Aotearoa Bike Challenge for 2025; I hope that you’ve been busy getting some rides in throughout the month and maybe having your colleagues …
As a city, Ōtautahi Christchurch probably punches above its weight when it comes to cycling in New Zealand (heck, we’re even up there in world rankings…). But there is always room for improvement, and certainly the current Government …
While some of us are still pottering around on work today, tens of thousands will be descending upon North Hagley for the two-day (Fri-Sat) Electric Avenue music festival. Judging by the information on their website, I fear that (once …
Happy Valentines Day! Or, if you’re like me and my partner biking out to dinner tonight, maybe that should be VELOtines Day? Twelve years ago today, I was busy doing other things bike-wise, as one of the presenters for Environment …
A few years back we highlighted the introduction of Locky Docks public lockable bike stands to Christchurch. Since then, more sites have rolled out around the city. One of the latest additions has been a set of new Locky …
Nearly ten years ago, Mark Hadlow entertained the crowds at the Court Theatre with his humorous depiction of a cycle-hater’s transformation into a lycra-loving rider. Starting next week, for a limited season at the Isaac Theatre Royal (10-21 Feb), Hadlow …
Can you believe we’ve already ticked off one month of 2025… And now, having arrived in February it’s the cue for everyone to start getting on their bikes even more for this year’s Aotearoa Bike Challenge!
The regulars will …
If you’re looking for another opportunity to connect with other people who bike in Ōtautahi Christchurch, then the Urban Cyclist Social Club might be for you!
Started just a month ago by Aussie/Slovakian duo Samantha Chapman-Bielik (aka UrbanCyche) and …
Tomorrow, I’m off again to enjoy a few brews and food at this year’s Great Kiwi Beer Festival in Hagley Park. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the bike parking offerings there lately, so let’s hope it’s the same again tomorrow …
Christchurch City Council have recently posted about how the various cycle counters around the city have seen further good growth in cycle trips over the past couple of years – great results from the investment in new cycleways. Perhaps not …
A few months back I decided to head out to McLeans Forest mountainbike park, for some reconnaissance riding ahead of the 6-Hour Blast event being held there. Not having a bike rack for my car, I figured that the …
Happy New Year! I hope that you are getting out and enjoying some of the many different cycling options that Ōtautahi Christchurch has to offer. One of our major recreational facilities is the Christchurch Adventure Park nestled in Worsleys Valley …
Another calendar year flies by and we’re ready to herald in 2025 – Happy New Year! For many of us, we might be grateful to see the back of 2024, with various worrying signs for cycling foreshadowed back in our …
Nearly a week ago, my partner’s father passed away; needless to say it has been a sad and emotional time – rest in peace, Poppa… As all of us get older, sadly we can expect to have more in our …
Seasons greetings everyone! I hope you will have a fun Christmas and summer break and also hopefully get out and about on your bike when you can too…
I’ll pop up an end-of-year review in a week, but certainly one …
Last week we celebrated the notable milestone of the half-millionth bike traversing the Antigua Boatshed bridge cycle counter. Let’s look back to when it was first installed over six years ago, as reported in this blog post from June 2018…