This weekend at the CAN Do being held here in Christchurch, I will be giving a little presentation about the Cycling in Chch website and its history and ongoing development. It’s been quite the journey for well over a decade, and nearly ten years ago we celebrated three years of being online, as reported in this blog post from May 2015…
Last week, another little milestone snuck up on us – it’s now been three years since Cycling in Christchurch first hit the interweb! Since then we’ve had over 400 blog posts viewed by nearly 200,000 users.We’re also closing in on 1000 Likes for our Facebook page – will you be number 1000? And in the Twittersphere {aka “X” these days…}, there are also over 160 followers keeping an eye on our posts. Thanks to all of you for your interest in whatever form!
In the last year we have smashed our own records for views per day and most viewed pages, with a couple in particular on biking the Lyttelton Tunnel and the new proposed mountain-bike park getting huge attention. Old faves like our mythbusting “cyclists don’t pay” article and the Westburn Reserve cycle park continue to get good mileage, and there continues to be a lot of ongoing use in our standard information pages on where to ride in Chch and where to find bike shops and bike rentals (in fact, I still get lots of emails from people who think that we provide bikes for sale/rental – sorry, we’re just an info service!).
In the past year, it’s been great to see the growth in the number of biking events happening around Christchurch, month after month after month. Thanks to all the people who are taking the time to put on these great events and ensure that there is always something to do on your bike in Chch! Remember, just let me know if you want me to help publicise your coming events.
Thanks also to those of you who took the time to make a comment either on the website or FB page, or who forwarded posts via FB and Twitter. Word is slowly spreading about our little cycle world here, but there’s still plenty of riders out there unaware of all the cycling news happening right under their noses. So keep spreading the word! (and I’d love to see more comments posted too…)
Finally a big thanks to my fellow bloggers, who have helped provide a variety of viewpoints thoughout the year (it would be boring if it was just me all the time…) and eased my well. The invitation continues to remain open to anyone out there who would like to contribute their thoughts and pictures to this website, either as a one-off or on a regular basis (happy to edit and proof-read if you’re not sure about your writing) – contact me anytime.
What would you like to see more of on Cycling in Chch?