Feb 2025 means it’s time for the Aotearoa Bike Challenge!

Can you believe we’ve already ticked off one month of 2025… And now, having arrived in February it’s the cue for everyone to start getting on their bikes even more for this year’s Aotearoa Bike Challenge!

The regulars will know the deal: sign up for the Challenge if you haven’t already done so, bike lots during the month, record each of your rides on the website or mobile app, and who knows – you might even win some random prizes too! Those in companies and other organisations can band together and compete in the various workplace challenges as well – last year we at ViaStrada were pretty chuffed to come in 1st nationally for Consultancies of our size (7-19 staff) and 2nd for all similar-sized workplaces in Christchurch.

Every ride you do in February, just add the details…

At this time last year, I was halfway through working my way along the Alps to Ocean trail ride – fairly handy for clocking up a few decent kilometres for the month. This month, there are no big rides of that nature planned, although we do have a few workplace biking outings and no doubt I’ll also be trying to ride around the city every day if I can (starting with biking to dinner and a concert tonight…).

So, join the Bike Challenge and get pedalling!

Are you doing the Aotearoa Bike Challenge this year?

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