Is there some local walking or cycling initiative that you think is worthy of some official recognition? Then perhaps you should consider nominating it for this year’s “On the Go” Awards, organised by Waka Kotahi (NZ Transport Agency) in conjunction with national walking and cycling advocates Living Streets Aotearoa and Cycle Action Network.
These were previously known as the “Bike to the Future” awards, with an emphasis on cycling initiatives. Now this year, the categories have been broadened to encompass active travel in all its forms. Based on anything since Aug 2018, nominations can be made for:
- Workplace or School award: for organisations that have made significant efforts to encourage and support travel by active modes for staff, customers, or students.
- Built excellence award (cycling): for design, engineering and construction of transport infrastructure encouraging more people to cycle.
- Built excellence award (walking): for design, engineering and construction of transport infrastructure encouraging more people to walk.
- Outstanding contribution to making communities more people-friendly: recognising an individual promoting or advancing walking and cycling.
- Shifting the dial award: for initiatives or organisations that have developed innovative solutions to overcome barriers that have slowed down progress on walking or cycling in the past
- Taking communities on the journey award: for excellence in communication, co-design or community engagement activities related to infrastructure projects for walking and cycling.

From all of these categories, one winner will also take home the supreme award.
Some of you might recall that Christchurch did exceptionally well last time in 2018, scooping two category wins and the supreme award. So what might be worthy contenders this time around from the Garden City?
- One of my favourite new additions to the city centre has been the Promenade along the Avon River, providing a great walking and cycling corridor through the city.

- Biketober 2017 has already been an award winner, but since then the event has developed even further – should we honour Biketober 2019?
- The portable bike parking pods now installed around town are a simple practical solution to the issue of quickly getting additional cycle parking in areas of greatest need.
- Perhaps we should be waiting until the final section is completed before a nomination, but already the Coastal Pathway is proving to be a big hit with people right across the city, and has been an exemplar for how to engage with the wider community to make something happen.

The winners of these awards will be announced at a ceremony as part of next month’s 2WALKandCYCLE national conference in Dunedin. Thanks to the fun and games of lockdown, there has only been a short two-week window for nominations, and we’re already halfway through that. So nominations close at 11.59 pm next Sunday, 23rd August. Get your nominations in today!
Can you think of worthy nominees for the ‘On the Go’ Awards?