Last month, we introduced to you the new section of cycleway along Ferry Road that forms part of the Heathcote Expressway route from town out to The Tannery in Woolston, and ultimately Heathcote Valley. One more piece of the puzzle has just been completed along Cumnor Tce alongside the Heathcote River. Between Chichester St and Garlands Rd there is now a shared pathway:

That’s what it looked like last week when it was almost completed; this week the 4m-wide pathway is fully open. The adjacent roadway has been made one-way only from Garlands Rd (coming towards you in the photo). Arguably this section could have remained a quiet neighbourhood greenway route (like the section immediately northwest of here), although it does get a bit of traffic to some of the businesses here.
Have you ridden the new pathway yet? What did you think?
What happened to the new bridge across the Heathcote at Mackenzie Ave? The current one isn’t wide enough for two bikes to pass each other, and I’ve been in that situation twice already. But the way hat the surrounds have been constructed seems to suggest that there is no longer going to be a new bridge.
Budget constraints, so it’s a future component
I love the new cycleway. It is a great way to link The Tannery (where I work) to the city via quiet roads. I especially like the good sync of the traffic lights to cross Ensors Rd and Wilsons Rd.
Yes that bridge over the Heathcote river will need to be widened at some point…