Biking Activities for June 2018

It might be getting a bit frostier, but funnily enough the cycling action around Christchurch is just starting to hot up! A number of exciting bike-related activities are happening this month, both on and off your saddle. As usual, keep an eye on all activities via our events calendar; here’s a run-down of what’s coming up:

  • If you’re quick you might still be able to catch one of the remaining presentations of Mark Hadlow’s brilliant one-man show MAMIL, at the Isaac Theatre Royal this Friday 1st (7pm) and Saturday 2nd (2pm and 7pm). Multiple personalities come alive to take a humorous look at how cycling can save one man’s soul – book now!

  • Did you know that Sun 3rd June is World Bicycle Day? Some of us thought that it was worth celebrating, so come and join us with a free showing of the UK movie “Bicycle” from 4pm at Exchange Christchurch (XCHC), 376 Wilsons Rd, Waltham. If you’re coming from the northern side of town, there’s even a group leading a ride down to the viewing.
All will be revealed soon…
  • If you’ve been past the Antigua Boatshed Bridge lately, you might have noticed something tall wrapped up alongside it. On Tue 5th June, all will be revealed as the City Council launches Christchurch’s first automatic cycle counter display! Come along at 8am and be one of the first people to be counted…
  • Thu 21 June is the shortest day of the year, and that can only mean… the 2018 Winter Solstice night light ride! Bling your bike and join hundreds at the Armagh St gates of North Hagley Park by 5.30pm for a cruisy fun family ride around the park.

What will you be doing this month?


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