Well it’s been a while since my last post, but that’s mainly because I’ve been in Australia this past week. Most of my time was spent in Adelaide for the Velo-City Global 2014 cycling conference, the first time this international …
Tag: Research
Are painted cycle lanes dangerous?
The planned Major Cycleways for Christchurch will comprise a mixture of treatments: separated bikeways, shared paths, and quiet streets (“neighbourhood greenways”). These are designed to attract a lot of new “interested but concerned” people to cycling (or cycling more) …
So what’s a Sharrow and do we want them here?
While cycle lanes and paths are all very nice, there are still many situations where it is not feasible or sensible to install them. For example, there may be limited road width to play with (and no politically easy way …
What if… We built a cycle-friendly Christchurch? Wed 28th Aug
A presentation coming up might be of interest to viewers, as part of the University of Canterbury’s “What If Wednesdays” series of free public seminars.
What if… We built a cycle-friendly Christchurch?
Presenter: Dr Glen Koorey
Wed 28th August, from …
Guest Post: Impressions from a “tourist”
This is a guest post kindly supplied by Prof John Parkin from the UK, editor of the recent book “Cycling and Sustainability” and a recent visitor to our fair city…
Kia ora.
Large and small gems: that will be mine, …
Coroner’s Cycling Inquest Hits Christchurch Soon
Although the memories of two recent cycling deaths in Christchurch are still fresh, some of you might recall that in late 2010, there was a spate of incidents where five people cycling died in New Zealand in less than a …
Cycle Lane Separators Revisited
To date, the most commented blog post on Cycling in Christchurch by far has been our one on the trials of cycle lane separators in the city. The general feedback has been one of strong support for the concept and …
Is Cycling Safe?
It seems that lightning does strike twice sometimes. In just over three days, we have had two cycling fatalities in east Christchurch, first on Sunday and then today, Wednesday morning. Our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of …
Separated Bikeways – More Good Evidence
There’s been a lot of good discussion here in Christchurch about developing separated bikeways, but we’re not the only ones in New Zealand looking seriously at the issue. I’ve already mentioned previously what Auckland are planning to do soon. Meanwhile …
Are you “Interested but Concerned”?
When trying to encourage more people to cycle, it’s helpful to “know your audience”. There’s an interesting theory that was developed in Portland, Oregon, to help understand who might want to cycle for transportation. Its intuitive logic has been so …
Cycle Lane Separators – Your Feedback Wanted
You may recall an earlier post introducing a trial of cycle lane separators to be installed at a couple of Christchurch locations. Well those trials have been going for a couple of months now and, as well as collecting videoed …
What do Cyclists want?
What do Cyclists want?
It depends on who you ask. People have differing opinions on what they want, in part dependent upon their own skills and experience.
While it is not at all clear just what improvements in cycling infrastructure …
What if… cycling was (already) safer than driving? Wed 12th Sep
The University of Canterbury has been running a series of “What If Wednesdays” public lectures, showcasing a number of thought-provoking and topical issues that its academics have been working on. As part of its Eco-Week for 2012, Prof Simon Kingham…
Going our separate ways…
There’s been a lot of feedback over the years in Christchurch about trying to provide more separation between people cycling and driving, as per the many European examples we see bandied about. A lot of feedback in Share an Idea…
Should we have cycle helmet legislation? NOT the same question as “should we wear helmets”!
I’m writing this here because I seem to be writing something like it often recently thanks to Aaron Keown’s comments in the media recently!
All other things being equal, I agree, it is better to wear a helmet when cycling …
Canterbury Active Transport Forum
Just sharing some news:
…The Canterbury Active Transport Forum is back!
This is a preliminary notice of a forum to be held on Friday, June 1st at the Christchurch City Council civic offices in Hereford Street from 12.30pm until