Well, the contrast with last year’s chilly solstice ride couldn’t have been more stark. A lovely balmy winter’s day (17 deg I think) encouraged the punters out to Saturday’s 3rd Annual Winter Solstice Ride.
All up, I counted about …
Well, the contrast with last year’s chilly solstice ride couldn’t have been more stark. A lovely balmy winter’s day (17 deg I think) encouraged the punters out to Saturday’s 3rd Annual Winter Solstice Ride.
All up, I counted about …
With the days getting shorter, colder, and now it seems wetter again, it can be hard to motivate yourself to get on your treadly. So what better excuse than the shortest day of the year to pimp your ride and …
Oh ye of little faith… the wet and snowy weather clearly put a lot of people off taking part in this year’s Winter Solstice Ride last night. But, apart from a couple of brief squalls, the Ride itself was relatively …
Dear City Council, I see that you have been really busy trying to get a big wastewater pipe across Hagley Park for the last couple of years. I understand that these things take time, and the earthquakes didn’t help.
Still, …
In Portland, Oregon, each February they have a Worst Day of the Year Ride, where they “celebrate” the depths of winter with a ride around town. Here in Christchurch, we want to mark the shortest day with something a …