I’m back in Christchurch following a week in the heat of Singapore – more about that in a future post… After the temperatures and mugginess of the equator, it’s quite the shock to return to late winter in Christchurch and get used to wrapping up warmly again for rides around town. Mind you, we have got used to celebrating the depths of winter every year now with our annual Solstice Ride, as demonstrated by this post from June 2020…
We’ve just had the shortest day of the year, and with it the annual Winter Solstice Ride. So it seems appropriate to share a pic from the evening, just before everyone headed away…

The cooler weather kept a few away this year; maybe the late notice post-lockdown also didn’t help, so the all-time attendance record wasn’t under threat. But 224 keen individuals did show up, including numerous excited youngsters and even a couple of dogs!
As usual, there were some brilliantly decorated and lit up bikes on display; some people really go all out, which is great to see. The crowd behaved well on the ride with no major dramas and plenty of local hospitality spots got some welcome business afterwards as well. Thanks to everyone who attended – see you next year!
How well do you rug up for the Winter Solstice Ride every year?