The growing concern about addressing climate change is seeing various people look at ways of rolling out infrastructure for cycling faster than the usual laboured full consultation/design/construct process (Harewood Road anyone?). Nationally that is meaning things like the Streets for People tactical urbanism programme and I was recently involved in some interesting research about “quick-build” cycleways. Wellington is also doing some interesting things in this space that I will post about soon. Although a lot of focus now is on separated cycleways, sometimes even a few simple treatments can make a humble painted cycle lane a little better than before – like some flexi-posts. This blog, originally from Aug 2015, highlights when Christchurch was trialling a few of these around the city – would be nice to see a few more rolled out…
Another thing I have noticed since getting back to Christchurch is the installation of some more vertical separators on existing cycle lanes. We have previously shown you some of the ones that have been popping up at intersections, but they are also being used on winding routes where motorists are tempted to cut the corner into the cycle lane.
One such route is Kahu Rd – Kotare St from Riccarton out to Canterbury University. A popular cycling route for destinations in both directions, it also features quite a number of curves along its length. Now cycling is a little bit easier along here, thanks to the installation of some green surfacing and separator posts on the inside of the most problematic spots.
The separators have also appeared in other locations, e.g. North Parade, Ferry Rd. I can think of a number of other winding routes around Christchurch that would also benefit from them, including Centaurus Rd near Bowenvale, Wairakei Rd in Bryndwr, Burlington St in Sydenham, New Brighton Rd in Burwood.
It’s a simple enough treatment, and no-one would pretend that it is the same as a fully separated cycleway. But as a quick, low-cost improvement, I think this is a great way to extend the appeal of the humble cycle lane.
What do you think of these separators on curves? Where else would you like to see them?
Flexiposts are a great idea…. but they only last weeks or as little as days on some corners.
Maintenance and replacement needs to be continuous, else only a couple drivers learn and the rest get a clear run at cutting the corner again.
Visit any of these sites on google Streetview and the posts are almost totally gone.
Kahu/Kotere used to have flexiposts on every corner -now they’re absent from 5 bends with just 5 left at one bend and some at the Clyde Road lights. None here for example:,172.5960221,3a,75y,152.34h,77.63t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sME9dGw7ruhfndLsSvHBEkQ!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192
Ferry / St Asaph has been reworked so totally different now.
Last photo – no flexiposts at Riccarton Bush/Kahu Road,172.6006209,3a,37.6y,136.8h,83.07t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sVb6ckQcw5KfcR3Wc2MQTeg!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192