Another year, another successful Winter Solstice Matariki Night Light Ride under our belt! Last Tuesday saw the latest incarnation of this popular event, with lots of enthusiastic people and their bikes decked out in all manner of colourful bright flashing paraphernalia.

Sadly the numbers were down a bit on recent years, with an estimated 179 people (and a few pets!) joining the fun. Maybe the cooling weather or the prospect of a school night dampened the enthusiasm of a few punters, and our good friend Covid may also be having an effect on how many are currently well enough or keen enough to venture out right now. Hopefully next year will see an improvement again!
Thanks to the model yacht club who put on quite a display with their boats floating on Victoria Lake festooned in all sorts of amazing colours. And we also had a saxophone accompaniment as you went past the golf club this year, courtesy of Rachel Travaille.

Here’s just a few more photos that I grabbed, but you can find a greater collection of even better ones on this shared drive.

Were you at the Solstice Ride this year?
“2022” not “2021”.
Slightly disappointing the numbers were down but it didn’t dampen the fun of being there and marking the solstice on our bikes.
My thank you to the organisers and to the yacht club and saxophonist. A very enjoyable addition.
Whoops, how did that slip past the keeper… fixed… Glad that you enjoyed it!