Springtime is looming, bringing with it daffodils, government elections, and (most importantly) Biketober 2020! Remember last year?
Despite some lockdown drama, the volunteer Biketober organising team have been keeping warm during these wintery months by preparing another action-packed October full of all things cycling. Want to see what’s locked in and ready to go? Check out the updated website www.biketoberchch.nz.
Many more events are in the final planning stages, so keep an eye on the website {we’ll add them to the CiC events calendar too – Ed} – you won’t want to miss adding a favourite event to your calendar!

We now need your help – just for an hour (or two) during September and October. Nothing overwhelming. Would you mind sharing a little of your cycling experience, your time, enthusiasm, or bike-related talent?
Promotional posters: these are to go up on every conceivable noticeboard in the city; late August.
- Passport Destinations: a pack of materials will be delivered to each participating business and attraction; early September.
- Event assistance: a number of events require a little pinch of cycling magic (like group-ride guides, “tail-end Charlies”, meet-and-greeters, etc); throughout October.
Three events in particular would benefit from having extra hands lined up early. Please consider helping by:
- Marshalling and general help at the Biketober Rainbow Rave (Sat 3 Oct, 8.00pm onwards)
- Being a valet bike parking ambassador at Meet in the Middle fun day (date to be confirmed, but it will likely to be Sunday Oct 18th or Sunday Nov 1st)
- Assisting at the Biketober Passport One-Day Challenge prize-giving and closing event (Sat 31st Oct, 4.30pm onwards)

Come and be part of the fun. Click the link: https://biketoberchch.nz/get-involved/ and tell us how you (and maybe your bike) would like to help out by filling out the form.
After all, volunteers are simply the nicest people.
Are you able to help a little bit with Biketober?