“To have a “light-bulb moment”, the power has to be on.”
Said someone relatively famous. Thanks Google
For me, the power is on whenever conversing with partner Peter over a pint or a coffee, or when riding the bike. Both happened over the weekend and this post is the result.
The problem is: It doesn’t take an economist to tell us that current events are going to ramp up the intense scrutiny of every single $ of public money spent in the near future, particularly at a local government level. The other problem is not a lot of people who ride bikes realise that our major cycleway programme currently being rolled out (presently at about half-way through) will only continue to be rolled out if positive continued support for it is voiced at the local government consultation process (read – making a submission)
The draft Annual Plan closes on Tue April 2nd. It not only needs your support, but if everyone who reads this were to remind others around them who they’ve heard how much they now enjoy riding a bike in the city (for any reason whatsoever) that the continued roll out is dependent on positive feedback for this submission. The message is then clearly sent to our decision makers at council. Ask – and ye shall receive.
If you aren’t so fussed on using the major cycleways; no problem, but let’s remember that the increasing number of people riding bikes in our city on any road, particularly centrally, is contributing to the weighting for a ‘safety in numbers’ mantra, which benefits all those on a bike irrespective of the route ridden.

If the reported cost of our cycleways leaves you a little watery eyed, let’s also remember the significant $ contribution from the government. A government who is now prepared to spend big on projects in order to keep the economy ticking along. Any project that is well planned and ready to go that fits with a sustainable transport ideology, is good for the health of the nation and has a good ROI in terms of well-being and supporting a local economy, will sit well with our government. The time is now.
As I sat at a table at the Pegasus Arms Tavern having that pint, enjoying the sunshine and watching the steady stream of people on bikes enjoying The Promenade. They were performing a permitted (and encouraged) activity for their health and well-being. Many were probably contemplating their place on the planet and its future as we know it. Along with all of the pedestrians they were also probably appreciating how wonderful The Promenade actually is (thinking back to the one-way street it was pre-quake). Many would have reached the central city via a cycleway and 20 years ago would never have envisaged that it would be possible to bike to the city and along Avon River Otakaro so easily and enjoyably. It is these people who would appreciate and benefit from even better cycling infrastructure.

The numbers are there. SmartView tells us that on a regular good weather autumn week day that around 15,000 journeys are recorded at the 27 counters. It tells us that this number drops to around 5,000 on each of the two weekend days (if the weather is fine) The count yesterday (Sunday 22nd) was 10,000; almost twice the normal Sunday count. It appeared that most of them were riding on Oxford Terrace along our beautiful river In the sunshine. Taking quality time out with family and friends.
Let’s support these folk and everyone else by continuing the active travel improvements for Christchurch – our City of Cycles. Please submit now.
What do you think of the draft Christchurch Annual Plan?
With a number of new Councillors it is more important than ever to let them all know that cycling is supported. We need the Major Cycle Routes and good local cycle networks now, not in 5,10,15…. years.
About 60% of the costs for the Routes is covered by central government and that much or more of the cost is to repair underground infrastructure, replace broken kerbs, paving, etc. Ratepayers get quite the bargain.
Spokes Canterbury has their sub up at http://www.spokes.org.nz/2020/02/ccc-annual-plan-2020-2/
Just trying to write a submission in favour of biking infrastructure on the Annual Plan – anyone know what those…..don’t laugh….’sticky uppy’ things are called that protect cyclists at intersections please?
Hi Jo,
The may be of help…..
The government needs to be having a concrete policy in ensuring bicycle lanes in all public streets and high ways, to protect bikers. Safety is a priority at this moment. Hoping to have this in the near future. Taxpayers should be protected.