Signs of cycleway progress continue to pop up around the city. Just yesterday I noticed the next bit of the Quarrymans Trail out to Halswell looking nearly complete; will have to do a full recon soon. And the Sumner section of the Coastal Pathway (Shag Rock – Esplanade) was also starting to take shape too. Look out for future posts on both of these. But today, here’s a sneak preview of another cycleway I rode along last Thursday…

The somewhat controversial section of the Heathcote Expressway Major Cycle Route between Charleston and the central city has now been completed. Some of you might recall that the section along Ferry Rd between Wilson Rd and Fitzgerald Ave had caused the most angst, resulting in numerous variations of cycleway design to appease local businesses, particularly in regards to on-street parking.
The completed cycleway is largely a footpath-level path separated by kerbs/channels each side, with road-level crossings of side streets. There’s also special cycleway signal crossings at both Wilsons Rd and Fitzgerald Ave. It seems to work OK and plenty of people were already using it on a fine weekday morning. I’ll post a more detailed rundown of the new cycleway in a future blog.
Have you ridden the new section of the Heathcote Expressway yet?