Dear Santa,
I hope you and Mrs Claus are well. I have been a good boy this year, riding my bike lots and only bothering a few people on social media. Here’s what I would like for Christmas:
- I would like three more new cycleways for Christchurch next year please (actually I already peeked under the Xmas tree and saw that you are getting me these…)
- I would also like some more Urban Cycleways money from the Government, so that we can finish off our Major Cycle Routes (and the Coastal Pathway!).
- Santa, could you also get me lots more new lower speed limits, especially in areas near new cycleways?
- I would really like for everyone to get home on their bikes safely in 2018; you kind of dropped the ball on that one this year, Santa…
- I would also like some public cycle counters showing just how many people are out there riding (heck, I’d settle for some online ones we can look at).

- I think I would like another Biketober next year too, but if the elves could find someone else to help coordinate it, I would be really grateful…
- Santa, I would also like to get lots of guest blog posts throughout the year (and lots of comments too…).
- Oh and I’d really like the driving and biking ‘tribes’ of NZ to get along better. What’s that, Santa? A bit out of your league? OK, well how about getting The Press to regularly print positive news stories about all the great things happening cycling-wise in this city, and without any snide references to how much it costs or what Mrs Miggins down the street thinks of it? What’s that? You’ll see what you can do about the first one…?
P.S: if the reindeer ever start getting a bit too tired for deliveries, I can point you in the direction of a nice electric cargo bike…
Merry Christmas everyone from Cycling in Christchurch!
Nice; a number of good points. I’m keen to be part of the process to make many of these things happen! Great summary
Merry Xmas Lenny, thanks for all your hard work this year. Lots of good wishes included in the above, we can but hope! Cheers.
Santa – can we please have snow next winter? Just enough to enjoy? Please?
Very nice @LennyBoy!
Lenny boy, I know that you copped much extra work on Biketober when Chris got really sick at a very awkward time. Next year Chris will be well!! And you can influence / direct just as effectively without having to work anywhere as hard!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks for all your great and effective work over the last many years