Brrrr, suddenly the weather seems to be telling us that summer might truly be over! Fortunately there are still plenty of opportunities to get your biking fix, whether outside or in; hopefully the weather will oblige when necessary. We’ll summarise some of these below; as always you can keep an eye on the latest details via our Events & Activities Calendar (let us know too if you have any events to publicise):
- Things start this Sun 9th Apr with a bike ride organised by Spokes Canterbury to explore the Ferry Rd end of the Heathcote Expressway, currently out for consultation. Starting at C1 Cafe (cnr Tuam/High) from 1pm, come and see what is proposed, plus take in some of the new city cycleways and even a bit of street art as well…

- RAD Bikes continue with their bike building/maintenance workshops every Sun afternoon and Wed evening at The Commons (cnr Durham/Kilmore). With winter setting in, the Wed evening sessions will be very brief from 5.30pm until it’s dark, but Sundays will continue to operate every 12-4pm. Come along to tinker on a reconstructed bike or to get some TLC on your own wheels.
- On Wed 19th Apr there’s a very special event happening at Action Bicycle Club (Walker St) – a Ladies Bike Night! From 5.30-7.00pm, come along for an evening of fun, featuring some good tips for confident riding, getting to know the women in the local community, some fine wine & cheese, test rides on city bikes and e-bikes, free bike tune ups, and some great discounts on gear. All women of any biking type and experience are welcome; the team look forward to meeting you all!
- Frocks on Bikes return with their next ride on Sun 23rd Apr from Riccarton to the Halswell community market. Meet at Riccarton House (Kahu Rd) by 11.30am for a leisurely 8km ride to the markets – bring some money to buy some food or bring your own picnic lunch.

- The month ends with a ride on Sun 30th Apr led by Spokes Canterbury to celebrate the near-completion of two Major Cycleway routes (Uni-Cycle, Little River Link) as well as taking a look at the proposed route for the Nor’West Arc route. Meet by the North Hagley Park bridge (Armagh St) at 1pm for a ride followed by some café refreshments.
- Throughout the month, Go Cycle Chch will also be offering a range of opportunities for Slow Rides for new and returning riders. These are free guided rides along gentle routes to gain confidence cycling around Christchurch streets and lanes. Rides are planned on: Wed 12th Apr (5pm, Hospital Cnr), Wed 19th Apr (5pm, Phillipstown Hub), Sat 22nd Apr (10am, Mona Vale), and Sat 29th Apr (1pm, venue TBC). Contact Connie if you’re interested in coming along for a ride.
- We’re aware of other groups around the area that offer regular rides as well, for both experienced and and not-so-experienced riders. For example, women are well catered for with rides courtesy of Revolve Christchurch and further north there’s the Local Ladies Mountain Bike & Walking Group Waimakariri – keep an eye out on their websites for coming events.
- Are you keen to inspire your community and get more people biking? If you are a person that loves biking, share your passion with others and become a Ride Leader! Ride Leader is a nationwide programme run by Cycling NZ and NZTA. It aims to inspire more people to get on their bike in a fun way within local communities. NZTA are looking to run a Ride Leader workshop in Christchurch. If you are keen to get involved or want to know more, fill in this quick survey regarding availability.

Looking ahead, it’s time to start thinking about booking for next month’s Big Bike Film Night (Fri 26th May) before tickets run out; this year, there’s also a bonus opportunity to grab some more cycling culture with the additional “Cycle Chic” Film Night (Sun 28th May). Also if you want to present anything at the Asia Pacific Cycling Congress here in Christchurch in October, you need to get your abstracts in by Mon 1st May.
What will you be doing on your bike this month?