More Fun Bike Rides coming

We might be into autumn, but that hasn’t slowed down the level of cycling yet. And with an ongoing series of cycling events lately, you’ve got no excuse to hop on your bike and go for a cruise…

Some of the keener folk might be looking at riding over to Akaroa via Le Race, coming up on the 21st. But, if you’d rather take things a bit more casually, then the wonderful Catarina from Cycle Chch has a couple more activities lined up for you:

  • First up there is a Picnic and Bike Games happening in North Hagley Park (by the lakes) on Thursday 19th March from 6.30pm. Come and compete for prizes using your bike, including a no-hands race, a slow bike race, and a lap race with obstacles and “baggage”. Followed by a picnic and slackline by the lakes – bring along the family for some fun.
  • Then on Saturday 21st March, there is an Avonside Bike Ride, starting at 11am from the Kerrs Reach rowing club. Cruise along the Avon River red zone, taking in the changed landscape (and maybe a bit of fruit picking). On returning, there’ll be the chance to retire somewhere for a brew.

Don’t forget too that there is another Lazy Sunday Cycle Chch ride planned for the afternoon of Sun 29th March – more details to come. There’s also the free public biking activities session at CPIT (2.30-4.00pm on Sat 28th March), as part of the ‘CAN Do’ National Cycling Summit. And let’s not forget the regular bike fixup sessions at RAD Bikes, every Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoons.

Thanks to all the many volunteers who help make Christchurch an interesting and fun place for cycling!

Will you be going to any of the events coming up?

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